Alienation in Frankenstein


Use of characters is one of how writers build themes that they want to present in a story. The manner in which these characters are treated by society or how they react to situations depict the real-life case of our society and life.In the story of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley uses the monster to depict the values of the society, and how it alienates its members by gender, race, class or even creed. In Frankenstein, the monster is a creature with nonhuman looks that was created by Victor Frankenstein one of the characters who is a man of science and his goal is to understand the miracles of the world.

For example, the monster is alienated by society due to its hideous appearance. In its first appearance to the world when the creation process is completed, the creature sees its  creator Victor scared, and then he runs away disguised by his work. “unable to endure the aspect of the being  I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long  time traversing my bedchamber unable to compose mind to sleep” (Shelly, 101). The creature is left in the room with no one to inform it about its origin, relatives, or even its fate. This shows how society discriminates and alienates its members based on their appearance.

In addition,  people make attempts to drive the creature out of the society. They feel frightened and disturbed by their appearance and presence. They are not interested in understanding the origin of the monster or if it poses any harm to them.they make an assumption based on its appearance that it’s a threat and should be kicked out of the society. For this reason, the members throw stones at the creature and even faint in at its sight. ‘I had hardly placed my foot within the door before the children shrieked, and one of the women painted.The whole village was roused; some fled some attacked me.’ (Shelley 103).This is an indication of the efforts made by society to alienate its members without consideration of their feelings.

Furthermore, the monster is alienated from the society’s culture which it’s very much want to be associated with. However, it has no one who can teach it’s about the culture and language of the people. To learn this, it tries to connect itself to DcLecey family, but it violently rejected. In despair and context of rejection and alienation, the monster decides to hide and secretly observe their language and way of lie. It’s fascinated by their language and culture but unfortunately cannot be part of it because society has rejected it, leading to its solitude. The monster states, “ I found out that these people possessed a method of communicating their experience and feelings to one another by articulating sounds” (Shelley, 110). By observing the family, it’s the ability to learn, and now it can communicate this ‘godlike science’  language. This shows how society alienates its members from its culture by all means.


The society in the story of Frankenstein has alienated the monster from the people’s way of life, and laguange.No one wants to be associated with the creature due to its appearance. TUse of characters is one of how writers build themes that they want to present in a story. he only chance it gets is when it speaks and explains itself to the blind man, who unfortunately can see it, so he is unable to judge its appearance. The monster wants to be loved and accepted in society though society can not allow that. The ideas presented in this story are very important in understanding alienation in society and can help in reflecting how alienation can be avoided in our societies.





Shelley, Mary. “Frankenstein.” Medicine and Literature, Volume Two. CRC Press, 2018. 35-52