Although taxpayers foot the bill for federal water sold to farmers

Although taxpayers foot the bill for federal water sold to farmers

“Although taxpayers foot the bill for federal water sold to farmers at subsidized prices, they also eat the crops grown with that water. Because the crops are cheaper due to the subsidized water, taxpayers get back exactly what they put in and so there is no waste from having subsidized water for farmers”

I would give the author of this quote an A. The reason why I felt that this quote deserves an A is because water is very important to have for crops to grow. After the crops are grown there are other steps for farmers to do ones the crops are ready. Taxpayers are getting back what they put in by having crops ready for them on a daily at their local market. We do not realize the work the farmers do every day. Part of farming is making sure they focus on the outcome of their crop. According to lecture outcomes are measured of change in the world or impacts such as increase or decrease in pollution and market share.
It is very easy for people to go to the market to pick affordable crops at affordable price. Farmers have to make sure they are growing the right amount of cops for the grocery store, process alone is time consuming this alone will cost more than growing the crops. I would assume this process is expensive. According to Agricultural subsidies, the federal government spent more than $20billion a year on subsidies farm business. According to lecture, government regulates the markets: taxes, subsidy programs, market prices and the cost of products can cause deadweight losses. Having farmers and the federal government partner together means farmers have to always have crops ready for the market. Farmers have to plan a head depending on the change of seasons, they have to make sure they calculate the right amount of crops. This is one reason why farmers have crop insurance, insurance protects against revenue shortfalls (Edwards, 2018). After researching and reviewing, this is why I am giving this author of this quote an A. Water is the most important part of growing crops without water it is impossible to have crops ready for us at the grocery store every day. After the whole process, and making it easy and affordable for us to purchase crops, taxpayers are getting back what they put in.

-class lecture
Edwards, C. (2018, April 16). Agricultural Subsidies. Retrieved from

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