American History

American History


  1. S. Foreign Policy with Specific Regions

Since the 1960s, the U.S. foreign relations with other nations as well as regions have been fashioned to induce happiness, posterity, and self-determination to lead to a new world order. In Russia, the foreign policy relations have always been a gray area with most critics indicating that America was pushing for its anti-communism agenda. For instance, in 1960, the Soviets launched a Sputnik, a manmade equipment made of an out-space patrol of the orbit. Americans, at the time, felt that they were ahead scientifically and technologically, but, this only fueled the enmity between the two nations. Since then, it has always been a power struggle between the two regions to see who is best. In 1962, the MISSILE CRISIS occurred where America had placed missiles in Turkey while the Soviet was prompted to put theirs in Cuba. The incident was referred to as the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS, which was perceived to be the greatest threat to American safety and security of its citizens. This historic move was noted as the most dramatic and potentially world-threatening confrontation to the Cold War. As a result, the STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TALKS were held between America and Soviet Union commonly referred to as DÉTENTE. The issue between Russia and America continued and an instance of name-calling from President RONALD REGAN intensified the problems. Nevertheless, in 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved into fifteen independent states crippling the power amassed by Russia. Since then, the power struggle has resurfaced under the current President Vladimir Putin.

Similar factors of American foreign policy severed the American-South East Asia relations. Primarily, America was pushing for anti-communism in the region. At one point, America pushed its agenda on expansionism and adventurism in ensuring that leaders elected in most of the South East Asian countries were anti-communists and liberal-minded. With the Soviet Union pushing for anti-Americanism in Asia, America under President Reagan pushed for countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam to delink from the Soviet Union. It led to the intensified pressure to support allies by arming them with enough artillery to defend themselves. Since then, President George Bush Snr and Bill Clinton pushed for the agenda to create a powerful Asian nation devoid of communism. However, countries in the region were pre-occupied with their civil war factors. Nations such as Cambodia, Vietnam as well as the Philippines were grappling with nationalism issue. On top of this, in the late 1900s, the Asian economy was undergoing a significant economic crisis in which America was unable to finance given that President Clinton was handling other nations; crisis. Since then, the American foreign policy with South East Asia has been minimal due to the extensive communism impact until to date and countries fighting against the American policy while still relying on foreign aid to sustain economies.

Latin America, on the other hand, has received the greatest attention when it comes to foreign policy. It can be attributed to geographical locations and past factors of communism and drug trade, especially during President Richard Nixon era. The 1960s were marked by the Cuban revolution that Fidel Castro led which was considered as the most significant defeat America suffered under the foreign diplomacy shuttle. President Dwight D. Eisenhower prompted the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) officers to investigate the leadership issues facing Cuba and neighboring Latin America to be used as an arsenal towards ending the military-led governments. At one point, President John F. Kennedy authorized the BAY OF PIGS invasion in 1961 to expedite the CIA agenda in Cuba. In a nutshell, the 1960s and 1970s were characterized by the war between Cuba and America, including the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS which intensified the world’s view of how communists’ nations wanted to start another war at any time. In the 1980s, under President Reagan, the foreign policy aspect changed with some Latin American countries pledging allegiance to America. This was because the factor on “War on Drugs” saw America use its military force and intelligence power to threaten the economic sanctions on Latin America. Since then, to date, some Latin American nations have pledged allegiance to America on the war on drugs.

  1. Conservatives

American conservatism is characterized by the respect for American traditions, republicanism, and Christian values. Mostly, it is about American exceptionalism which is in defense to the western culture and as such, challenges factors of authoritarianism and socialism. President RONALD REAGAN was considered as the leader who initiated and promoted conservatism in America. Since then, presidents such as George W. Bush Snr and George W. Bush Jr. have advanced these aspects. American conservatism is regarded as the government’s way of ensuring that businesses and economy are regulated to bring solutions to poverty and inequality. For example, factors on sexuality and gender roles have remained traditions whereby women are regarded as housewives and men as breadwinners. Hence, conservatism does not promote multi-culturalism and political correctness.

In my opinion, the long-range impact of the traditional conservatism has brought up a divided nation. At most, a generation that is unwilling to acclimatize to the changing world and unwilling to change with the transformation. Moreover, conservatism has brought up a generation that has little knowledge of reforms especially in America, a nation with diverse culture and ethnicities.However, there have been instances where commentators have argued that in time liberalists and conservatism have emerged to join forces. In turn, it has resulted in the introduction of modern conservatism.

Nonetheless, it is highly arguable since the prediction on modern conservatism is still borderline traditionally oriented. The principles hold that conservatives believe in the moral natural order and social order. Reforms on such issues, including reduced foreign policy should be maintained not to undermine the traditional rules on American socialism.Therefore, conservatism cannot be said to have gained much ground since the Reagan years. One section of Americans tended to forecast on American change due to liberalism. Mostly, it was felt in the North but not in the south as well as conservatist and Republican states. The wave of liberalism has been endured all over the U.S with factors of multiculturalism and liberal-democracies being embraced. Furthermore, the aspect of conservatism and social morals have been afflicted with more sexual identities based on HUMAN RIGHTS being vocalized since the 1960s gender roles being advocated for from the time of the civil rights movement. Consequently, in the modern century, factors on equality, political, and economic aspects have gained root with factors of human rights being the center drivers of change.


Foreign Policy

America’s involvement with world affairs began with its intention to contain communism’s impact on the world, most especially, in neighboring Latin American nations. Referred to as the containment policy, America began to spread its agenda across the globe. It came at a time when the Second World War had ended and the Soviet Union was campaigning against capitalism and western culture. On the other hand, America was adamant to spread the containment policy with European countries as its allies, including the UK and France. The Cold War was a struggle between America and the Soviet Union. Factors such as the Cuban Missile project cultivated the intensified feud between the two powerful nations. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, America began redefining its foreign policy agenda. It evolved from the containment factor to a new world order agendum. America’s role, according to President Ronald Regan, was to preserve the U.S security by maintaining a balance of powers in international problems and fostering a cooperative foreign trade among nations.

Major events during America’s instantized foreign policy include the Greek and Turkey War whereby President Truman exaggerated the war to be a catastrophic economic issue to America’s foreign policy. The US involvement was imminent, and containment was considered the only way to end the war. It included the emergency military assistance and the economic support where millions of dollars, artillery, and military advisers were surrendered to Greece.The Truman Doctrine is another foreign policy recognized historically. In 1947, President Truman convinced the Congress to aid in the containment of the Soviet Union’s eastward expansion and ensure that Russia does not colonize the world. In turn, it led to the institution of NATO.

Another historic event is the Marshall plan which was considered as a pragmatic approach to address the problems in Europe. The process involved aiding countries in western Europe from economic crisis, including providing non-military aid such as food and capital. It was named the European Recovery Plan. Moreover, the Truman Administration was considered a historic event due to the tumultuous time the era went through. It was purely marked by successful foreign policy events, including the historic break and isolation of Soviet Union forces. Another is the Marshall plan and China’s great defeat against communism in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Other great accomplishments considered as historical events include the cold post-war era under President Clinton till date. The collapse of the Soviet Union was also regarded as one of the most significant wins for America and the rest of the world. The collapse meant that communism was at the brink of death and America’s foreign policy would now be revolutionized. It included the restoration of international power balance among nations where America would be focal to the intensification of the agenda. The New World Order was the campaign, and subsequent presidents have fostered such relations. Nonetheless, America has experienced losses under the Foreign Policy which the U.S citizens can learn great lessons.

Under President George W. Bush Jr., America’s foreign policy changed to war on drugs and terror. Issues such as Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait led to the Gulf War which threatened the oil supply to America. Consequently, the US, under President William Clinton, declared a security threat to America, opening the door to its involvement in Iraq. The consequence was the fight against Al-Qaeda leaders, including Osama bin Laden, which led to significant loss of lives such as in the cases of Tanzanian and Kenyan U.S. Embassy bombings in 1998. In recent times, the American bombing of 9/11 saw two tall-twin towers collapse and London bombings. As a result, it intensified the American foreign policy against terrorism, leading to the death of leaders of terrorist groups. Nonetheless, this aggravated extremists into forming divergent groups, including Al-Shabab (a branch of Al-Qaeda) at the coast of East Africa and others around the world.

At the same time, Kosovo War (civil war) erupted which further brought on issues for America. It resulted in the intensified amalgamation under NATO in 1999 where America campaigned for governmental democratic revolution. However, this was a failure and a success at the same time, leading to millions of deaths and civil unrests for years. Nonetheless, one successful foreign policy includes the re-institution of Panama Canals, which, under President Theodore Roosevelt, led to the successful passageway for naval ships from America to Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It was reinstated during President Bush’s regime which improved pathways for ships and naval vessels.

The lessons to be drawn from this are that US foreign policy may not always be in the best interests of some nations, for instance, Vietnam and Cambodia. At one-point, America was invested in helping thesecountries. However, due to financial and military reasons, it could not entirely assist them. Today, Cambodia is recuperating from the genocide and military-led governments that saw the destruction of an entire economy and people within a short time. In addition, foreign policy can only be implemented in favor of the victim and not entirely for the US gains. Events of Iraq invasions have cultivated heightened threats from Asian and eastern European countries, including Syria. The revolts have resulted in millions being murdered, civil unrests, the rise of ISIS, and relocation of refugees from their homeland through Europe to America. Currently, America carries the burden of accommodating refugees from both Europe and Latin American nations.

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