American History Assignment

American History Assignment


  1. Describe the “Columbian Exchange”: what is it? What was exchanged? What were its most important results?

Columbian exchange is the transfer of various aspects among the Americans, the old world as well as the West Africans which took place between the 15th century and the 16th century. This exchange got its name, Columbian exchange from Christopher Columbus, who it was named after. Among the aspects that were exchanged by these parties include technology, populations, diseases, plants, animals, ideas and culture.

The most important results of the Columbian exchange were; the decrease in child mortality rates and improved health that later came to be experienced by the Americans in Europe. These were facilitated by the introduction of corn which took place during the exchange, and the Americans started cultivating the crop. This crop was responsible for the better health and decreased child mortality rate that was experienced.

  1. Reasons for European success against the Indians

The Europeans were very successful against the Indians because of several factors which were unfavorable for the Indians. Among these adverse factors include the existence of alien diseases such as yellow fever, measles, and smallpox which attacked them are killed many Indians. With these epidemics hitting the Indians, it was so easy for the Europeans to succeed against them since they, Europeans had immunity against these diseases.

Similarly, the depopulation of the Indians through acts and the actions by Americans who were driving them out of their land left a negligible number of Indians. It was, therefore, easier for the Europeans to defeat the few Indians after their depopulation.


  1. Examine early Jamestown settlement. What were the problems and successes there?

The Jamestown settlement was around the Jamestown which later became the United States. During the colonial time, the settlers at this town were faced with various challenges. Among the challenges include a prolonged drought that led to the starvation of the settlers. Nevertheless, they were forced to drink contaminated swamp water beside the hostility they faced from the indigenous population that was against their leadership.

However much there were problems in the Jamestown settlement, there were successes as well which were experienced by the settlers (Turner, 2010). Among these successes was the fact that the settlement was secure from any attacks from the n.pag enemies such as the Spanish. This was so because it was in the middle of three rivers which surrounded it.

  1. Compare and contrast New France with the British North American colonies

New France and the British were both colonial powers in North America, and they shared a number of similarities. Chief among those similarities were that both the colonial powers were driven by the desire to make profits from their colonies economically (Turner). As such, they banked on trade to exploit all they wanted from the colonies.

Similarly, there were visible differences between the French and the British in North America. Among the difference was that the British had more colonies in North America than the French. Moreover, the French were friendlier to their subjects than the British. For the French, they could marry and convert their subjects to their religion, Christianity.


  1. Discuss the rise of American slavery. How did slavery come to exist in British North America? What are some characteristics that make American slavery unique?

Slavery started in British North America as a result of the growing need by the colonial masters to have human labor in their plantations. As such, most of the slaves were being drawn from Africa to work in the plantations. This marked the beginning of slavery in British North America, which later became a norm.

American slavery was made unique by several features that lacked in other slaveries. Among the unique features of American slavery is the fact that slavery was agricultural oriented. While slaves from other parts were mostly used in household chores, the American ones were used in the agricultural plantations. Similarly, the slaves went overseas from Africa to the plantations.

  1. Explain the quote: “England discovered its colonies and their importance around 1650.”

This quote is drawn from the history textbook of the United States, called, Liberty, Equality, Power. It is put there to point out that the English government never really benefited from the possessions it had acquired from its colonies before its civil war. It has not realized the benefits it could gain from these possessions until there was a civil war and until it came to an end. The only time this government started developing an interest in getting benefits from these possessions was after the civil war. This civil war took place between 1652 and 1674; thus the origin of the quote which later came to be put in the United States’ history textbook.

  1. Summarize the changes in colonial New England which seemed to indicate that it was abandoning its Puritan origins

When Charles I became king, he dissolved the parliament because it was opposed to and against his authority. Among the reasons the parliament opposed him was his strong stand against those he termed his enemies. The changes he made by starting with the dissolving of the parliament were not favorable for the church. This meant that the Puritans would not survive the environment as they were very religious. Anything that was against the church, therefore, would mean a direct attack on the Puritans. They made up their mind to move away from England and fled to America. This move signaled that the Puritans were being isolated as part of the England society.

  1. Evaluated the advantages and disadvantages the American colonies had under the British Colonial System. How did the British justify and implement this system?

The American colonies of British did not only suffer in the hands of their British colonial masters, but they also got some benefits from their colonization. Among the known benefits that they enjoyed as a result of being colonies of British is the fact that there were square demarcations which gave them productive lands for agriculture. However, there was a disadvantage in the sense that these American colonies had no obligation rather than to obey the British policies which were imposed on them. The only way to implement their rule was by imposing the rules to the Americans even if they did not like them. To justify their system as a sound system of administration, the British could do several things such as giving the square demarcations which gave the Americans agricultural lands.



  1. Compare and contrast the significant ideas and values of the Great Awakening and the

Enlightenment in America. Describe the life and ideas of at least one major American

figure in each movement. Was the Great Awakening a necessary event in order for the

American Revolution to have happened? Why or why not?


The awakening and enlightenment period in America saw the challenging and dismissing of old ideas in the time. At the same time, new approaches were welcomed, and as such, science was embraced a lot. New ideas called for a change in governance and the general things to realize change. Martin Luther King’s idea was that people should read the scriptures closely to understand. George Whitefield was of the idea that the new religion was meant to appeal to people’s passion. The great awakening was necessary for the American Revolution because it challenged Americans to think of their situation and change.

  • Ways of colonial protest against the British from 1763 to 1775.

There were several ways in which those who were colonized by British protested their rule. Among the ways included direct disobeying of the rules which were imposed to them by the British. They would ignore and fail to implement them as a way of opposing their leadership and administration. They also protested the British by directly raising concerns that their rights were being violated by the British to make them give in as their colonial masters.

  1. Discuss the different models of English colonies (3) and provide an example of each.

The three models of English colonies included; the Royal model, the charter model, and the proprietary model. The royal model was the English colony which received a direct control from the crown which was overall. On the other hand, the charter model was a model whereby an English colony governed itself. Similarly, the proprietary model was an English colony which the crown gave to another person or group to govern them. New Jersey was an example of an exclusive model while New Hampshire was a royal model. Moreover, Rhode Island was a charter model.