Apple-Foxconn Virtue ethics

Is there a way that the decision-making process within a large corporation can overcome this fact of human selfishness?

It is difficult for organizations to act in ways that do not portray a sense of selfishness based on the decisions made and nature of activities being undertaken. This is because there are a variety of driving forces within each organization, and the key one being profit maximization.

For the case of Apple-Foxconn, Apple Inc. outsources its production activities to Foxconn, which is a production company based in China. Foxconn has in the past violated various employees’ rights and this resulted to instances of employees even committing suicide. There is no way a decision making process by Apple would overcome this issue. The company argues that by outsourcing its production activities, they have enhanced aspects of job creation in the country of operation. However, this is not the case since they are driven by the desire to increase profits in light of low production costs. The production costs in china are favorably low compared to United States.

What would be a solution in this scenario?

A solution to the problem would entail Apple Inc re-inventing their organization culture and always aspire to put the interests of their relevant stakeholders into perspective. This way the company can set various stipulations that companies producing their products have to adhere to in order for there to be a long-term working relationship. Failure to adhere to the stipulations should be a ground for the termination of contracts.

How does the theory of psychological egoism fit within your personal body of ethics and values?

This is a tricky one. After reading this chapter and evaluating myself, it just occurred to me that I do possess some aspects of psychological egoism. As a human being, there are times I put more value in other people’s interests and expect them to reciprocate. Sometimes it just happens unconsciously.

How does the theory of psychological egoism fit within the ethical structure of the company or organization you work for now or have worked for in the past?

The organization that I worked for previously had all the aspects of psychological egoism. It was involved in several charity activities, which they publicized widely. The management wanted everyone to know what they are doing in an attempt of attracting new consumers. This means that their charitable activities were not only for the good of the society, but also a way of expanding their market share.

Fieser, J. & Moseley, A. (2012). Introduction to business ethics. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Ngai, P., & Chan, J. (2012). Global Capital, the State, and Chinese Workers: The Foxconn Experience. Modern China.

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