Apple’s Global Supply Chain

The firm that I have chosen for this discussion is Apple Inc. Apple is a company with a global supply chain. The company sells electronics, software, and provide online services (Apple Inc., n.d.). The displays of Apple products are made in Japan and South Korea. The Touch ID sensor is made in Taiwan. South Korea and China manufacture batteries while the US produces the touchscreen controller. The iPhones are made in China and India. Apple is a multinational company that has stores in more than 20 countries (Gupta & Prinzinger, 2013). Some of the countries that Apple products are sold include UK, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, China, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Japan, Italy, and France.

With the existence of multiple countries in the supply chain, the firm will incur different landed costs. When exporting the product to different countries, the freight, taxes, and insurance will play a critical role in determining the landed costs. Second, with compliance, the countries have different regulations regarding the exportation and importation of Apple products. The intervention by agencies and customs is necessary. Lastly, the firm will have to consider the logistics. The firm will have to manage the multiple land and sea carriers. The supply chain of the company is one of the best in the world (Gupta & Prinzinger, 2013). The transportation is optimal because before the company unveils new gadgets, they always start preparing for logistics earlier. The logistics process include the coordination of flights, trucks and sea carriers to move products.

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