Areas in Leadership

Leadership Style

This is an important area of leadership to assess since it is the style that determines how a leader provides direction, motivates people and implements plans (Day, 2014). Different leadership styles would be ideal for different settings for success to be actualized. This is why it is important to choose an ideal style given the environment involved. I have chosen this area since I am more inclined into using the participative leadership style. This is due to the success that I have seen it can bring. Employees are usually motivated under this style since they feel they have been involved and this makes them feel like part of the company.

Proactive Leadership

Developing a proactive personality acts as an asset to one’s life and career. For leaders that desire to establish a lasting impact in the organization, they ought to be proactive and not reactive. This is because proactive leaders tend to take responsibility for the management roles they are involved with through engagement and involvement of the relevant team. There is the ability of the leader to think long-term, inspire others, become a great listener and communicator, be highly organized, adopt adequate problem-solving skills and bring about a positive attitude at the workplace (Day, 2014). This shows the effectiveness that is prevalent with the adoption of proactive leadership.


Self-confidence encompasses the ability to have certainty regarding one’s skills and competencies. It is more of a sense of self-assurance and self-esteem and the belief that an individual has the ability to make a difference. A leader that has technical qualifications but does not believe in himself will always find it difficult to lead others (Day, 2014). Self-confidence acts as the basis through which leadership tends to grow. Teaching leadership aspects without trying to build confidence prospects can be equated to a house that has been established on a foundation of sand. There is always the tendency to trust people that exhibit certain levels of confidence.

Readiness for a Leadership Role

This is an important area since an individual ought to be ready before they assume any leadership capacity. This includes having varied skills and abilities that are usually associated with leaders. This includes things like the ability to control emotions, having people’s skills and being an effective communicator among other things. How people relate to others and execute their activities determines the levels of leadership that they can actualize. Leaders are usually looked upon to lead by example, and having certain abilities becomes an added advantage.



Day, D. V. (2014). The Oxford handbook of leadership and organizations. New York: Oxford University Press.

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