Art History Test 3

Jewish and Early Christian Art

  1. It was the imperial capital in the West in the fifth century
  2. Christ is depicted like a Roman emperor
  3. It proved figurative art was used in Jewish religious contexts
  4. Syncretism
  5. A choir space between the apse and the transept
  6. The viewer was already familiar with the narratives depicted
  7. Christianity, like Judaism, prohibited religious sculpture
  8. The apse includes a Torah niche
  9. A central-plan church
  10. Crossing the Red Sea

Byzantine Art

  1. A desire for a more immediate and personalized religion
  2. Individual pages were bound together
  3. Each dome maintains its own separate vertical axis
  4. A reference to the current bishop or church official
  5. Had relics
  6. Return of Classical use of modeling and rendering of space
  7. Mary and St. John the Baptist
  8. Forward-projection perspective
  9. To create an otherworldly realm distinct from outside the church
  10. Russian icon painting

Early Medieval Art in Europe

  1. Timber roofs were vulnerable to fire
  2. The bold, colorful style
  3. Viking stave churches
  4. Deciphering patterns was a spiritual exercise
  5. A monumental entrance block, called a westwork
  6. The emphasis on prayer and work
  7. Paper
  8. No cross is depicted
  9. Both are books of Gospels
  10. A stone sarcophagus

Romanesque Art

  1. Aisled transepts leading to the ambulatory
  2. His ancestral connection to Jesus
  3. Flat bands of color and heavy outlines
  4. Concentrate the weight of the vault on the aisle bays
  5. Identifies herself as a sculptor
  6. Richly colored marble facing
  7. The monk known as Theophilus
  8. The ribbed groin vaults in the nave
  9. Stone was the most accessible material
  10. The contrast of light and heavy visual elements

Gothic Art of Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

  1. The Tree of Jesse
  2. The nave and aisles are the same height
  3. A funerary chapel
  4. Muslim and Byzantine structures in the Middle East
  5. The narrative scenes next to the primary figure
  6. It housed the King’s relics
  7. It could provide a strong skeletal support for a lightweight masonry skin
  8. His desire to improve acoustics in the church
  9. Narrative scenes were difficult to see from the nave
  10. Crenellations on tower tops


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