Assessing the Benefits of Mentorship Programs in Healthcare Centers

Assessing the Benefits of Mentorship Programs in Healthcare Centers


The paper will provide an analysis of the importance mentorship programs to young and graduated health care specialists. Mentoring is ideal to all those who lack experience and expertise in the healthcare sector. Therefore, a mentor is someone who has knowledge in a certain discipline and gives guidance to inexperienced people. Healthcare mentoring is very important since it gives the mentees confidence by reducing fear. Similarly, mentoring gives them the necessary support they need to start their careers in the health care sector.

On a further note, this project will look at how the mentorship program in the healthcare sector has helped improve the efficiency of healthcare workers in various health sectors.  It will need looking at the data of past mentorship programs in the area of health and what change it has brought to the clients and the mentees as well as the mentors (Straus, Johnson & Feldman, 2013). The previous data are from the national health surveys that were carried out in the last three years with the area of focus being the importance of mentoring programs for healthcare workers.

Problem statement

The project is assessing the effectiveness of Mentorship Programs in Healthcare Centers. The question that this paper is trying to answer is ‘how effective is the mentorship programs to the health sectors.

The project will use questionnaires to collect new information on the benefit of mentorship programs in healthcare sectors. Also, the project will use secondary data from the health care sectors concerning the mentorship programs that have been practiced before. The aim of the project is to assess the significance of mentoring fresh graduates in the health care sectors and how such program has helped improve the health services that the public is receiving (Straus, Johnson & Feldman, 2013). Data will be collected from the health care institutions that offer these programs to their new employee and the impact of the program on their newly employed personnel.


The data below was taken from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. It was collected to understand the effectiveness of mentoring programs to the health workers in periods between 2010 to 2012.

Indicator                                   IMCI                      IMAI

Baseline                     mentoring p-value   Baseline mentoring p-value Baseline

Nov.2010-                    Dec.2010-              Jan 2011-           April 2011-   Oct 2010-

May 2011                 March 2012            March 2011        March 2012 March 2011

Total no. of 295                            823                            478                 121



Mean percentage

Assessed          62.4% (23.5) 81.7% (19.5) <0.0001 18.0% (15.7) 56.8% (23.9) <0.0001 60.1% (28.0)

Time series forecasting method

The project will use time series forecasting method which observes historic pattern in any data. Time is used as an independent variable to predict what will happen in future.

The study uses an in-depth, structured interviews with questions based on the changes that have occurred since the start of this kind of programs at the healthcare centers (Wallerstein & Duran, 2010). The outcome of the study will be used to forecast on future benefits of the program and how it can be made more efficiently.

The project will use ARIMA model to analyze and forecast data as well as to transfer function of data. ARIMA model is an autoregressive integrated moving average. The model helps researchers in predicting the value in a response timeline as a linear combination of the past values or past errors as well as current and past values of other time series. The ARIMA Procedure


Lag Covariance Correlation -1 7 9


0 501.703 1.00000 | |********************|

1 983.454 0.95672    ******************* |

2 373.437 0.90691 | . |****************** |

3 656.787 0.85169 | . |***************** |

4 048.518 0.79110 | . |**************** |

5 859.033 0.72647 | . |*************** |

6 456.617 0.65876 | . |************* |

7 572.850 0.58755 | . |************ |

8 346.914 0.51381 | . |******


The mentorship program in the field of health care center is an open line of study that helps determine how the health workers can be motivated to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in the work they do. It would also be important to find new ways to develop such programs so that its objectives are met. This can only be possible when the study in carried out in this sector.



Straus, S. E., Johnson, M. O., Marquez, C., & Feldman, M. D. (2013). Characteristics of successful and failed mentoring relationships: a qualitative study across two academic health centers. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 88(1), 82.. Retrieved from

Wallerstein, N., & Duran, B. (2010). Community-based participatory research contributions to intervention research: the intersection of science and practice to improve health equity. American journal of public health, 100(S1), S40-S46.


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