Assessing the Social Organization of Radicalization

Assessing the Social Organization of Radicalization

The study aims to explore and evaluate the social organization model which is used to classify different processes used in the radicalization of terrorists. Different organizational frameworks examine the actions of individuals who have ties with the groups involved in terrorism. Most of them, however, do not pay attention to social relationships and the impact they have on terror knowledge. The article aim is to address this gap by researching qualitative analysis of two main aspects which are terrorists organized in small groups and one actor. Relationship ties can be linked to the facilitation of terrorist acts.

The ease or complexity of conducting an attack depends on whether the individuals have social connections or not (McDevitt, Levin, & Bennett, 2002).  Only a few authors have tried to explore practices whereby individuals accept ideologies related to terrorism through a radicalization process. Different theories have been attempting to explain how likely individuals are likely to take ideologies and consequently engage in acts of crime. They are aware that the act involves a social process whereby individuals receive messages that are meant to radicalize them from their friends. Such messages are obtained from websites or even from social media platforms such as Facebook.

Family interactions also play a significant role in promoting terror attacks.  The Internet has contributed to the rise of radicalization because individuals can access radical messages wherever they are through text or video by use of the internet. Radicalization is no longer physical, but it is instead something that is difficult to suspect (McDevitt, Levin, & Bennett, 2002). One of the groups explored by researchers is loners who are individuals with terrorism motives but are not members of any group. The literature reviewed suggest that loners are less dangerous and lack terrorism skills. Loners utilize the internet to acquire tactics from others and get radicalized. Although social interactions and the internet are associated with spearheading of attacks, it is not clear how a person’s behavior can change merely by assessing online messages.

The second group who utilize social relations to carry out attacks are thrill-seeking hate crime offenders who commit crimes for fun and mainly target individuals who are vulnerable (McDevitt, Levin, & Bennett, 2002). Those who are involved in these crimes are minors who have not previously been apprehended of any offense. They do not use guns, and most of them are victims of drug and substance abuse and carry out the attacks on the streets and parks. Mission offenders, on the other hand, carry out deadly attacks and choose those thy attack deliberately. Cases of incidents that had occurred recently were studied by using the four categories of crime actors.

The study was aimed at establishing the contribution of social ties in the radicalization process(Holt, 2018). The findings classified different actors depending on the type of attack they carried out and made conclusions on which category of the four actors they fall in. Those documented in the case study were Dylann Roof, Omar Matteen and Tsarnaev Brothers. Those who commit crimes related to terrorism sometimes are alcohol addicts and in some cases have prior cases of crime. Roof, for example, was a drug an alcohol addict, and before the attack, he looked socially withdrawn as well as promoting ideologists that were racist.

Tamerlan is believed to be the main person who promoted and inspired young men into terrorism. He had beliefs that made him radicalized, and he seemed more committed to his ideas and belief concerning radicalization (Foster, 2013). Tamerlan beliefs were formed after watching lectures by Anwar al-Awlaki on-line. He went ahead to radicalize his family members into accepting the radicalization as part of their religion. He chose to remain confident by not disclosing is believes to the people especially on the networking sites.

Among the areas well people get radicalized the people that live with radicalized people and also the ones using social media networking sites, they have become an effective tool of radicalizing new people(Holt, 2018). It appears that it’s more convenient for people to use social media radicalization as opposed to the traditional method. The leaders of the radicalized people are responsible for finding a way in which their lives will be improved in the long run.

The most affected by the radicalization is young men from the communities where young people are recruited into radicalized groups to be used for the wrong purpose (Holt, 2018). The increased use of social networks in radicalization is becoming a bother to countries like see it as a threat. The United States is bothered bearing in mind that the radicalization groups that turn into terrorist groups usually target the United States to carry out attacks. Radicalization has led to an increased terrorist threat in the world. Efforts are being made to reduce the radicalization to promote peace in the world.

In conclusion, radicalization has led to terrorism that is affecting the people who face the threat of being attacked. Several attacks have been conducted by radicalized groups who want to send a particular message in the world. Different countries have come up with strategies that are intended to fight terrorist groups and keep world peace. The efforts also are meant to help the stakeholders fight terrorism. The data collected from stakeholders show that radicalization is reducing among youths.



Foster, P. (2013). Boston bomber arrested: Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s hateful rage behind the American dream. Retrieved from

Holt, T. J., Freilich, J. D., Chermak, S. M., Mills, C., & Silva, J. (2018). Loners, Colleagues, or Peers? Assessing the Social Organization of Radicalization. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1-23.

McDevitt, J., Levin, J., & Bennett, S. (2002). Hate crime offenders: An expanded typology. Journal of Social Issues, 58(2), 303-317.

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