Audience Analysis on a Set of Questions

Audience Analysis

The age group of my audience is between 18 to 25 years because I believe that most youths are more prone to attacks on their MacBook as a result of their over-dependence on the gadgets.  Additionally, I will easily pass my information about different ways to protect MacBook gadgets against unauthorized breach because most of the people in my audience are American native speakers. This will reduce the risk of any communication barriers and ensure that the speech is fast and precise. For gender equality, the selected audience was balanced in terms of the number of men and the number of women. This is essential because it will ensure that the audience is not gendered biased.

From the questions, most people within the audience admitted to using Apple products daily. Therefore, they were all facing a risk of hacking or phishing on their devices unless they put measures to mitigate such illegal acts. Most people within the audience admitted that they would be very upset if any of their information were being shared remotely without their consent. This is because most of them considered the act as an intrusion on their privacy and way of life. Additionally, most people were well conversant with computers, and therefore they could easily locate their settings on the computer. This was essential in trying to show them different ways of ensuring that they actively take part in providing that their MacBook gadget is safe against any data loss or intrusion.

However, it was surprising to learn that most of the people in the audience were not aware of different ways to configure their security settings. This was extremely risky since most viruses stay hidden in different parts of the computer that are not readily detectable through the human eye. Therefore, it is essential to install softwares that can identify such threats in the computer. Viruses can enter a MacBook through online advertisements used by most hackers. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that any form of browsing or surfing is secured through the use of secure and legitimate websites. Additionally, most viruses can be masked in the form of encryptions, malware or virus obfuscation which can bypass any anti-virus. These modified tactics have ensured that it is upon the user to provide that he or she only uses a secure website and firewalls to protect sensitive data.

Additionally, most people were interested in learning different techniques to monitor their data and information. This was imperative because through delving into different ways to control data ensures that we learn various steps of mitigating the dangers that may affect crucial data. However, most people were not conversant on how to access privacy settings within their safari, and therefore it was essential to sensitize them through demonstrations. I also believe that Enabling full disk protection and encryption is also crucial to prevent losing data on the MacBook storage device. Additionally, disabling spotlight suggestions and creating open system preferences stops safari from sharing critical information to unauthorized users. Regularly auditing privacy settings and security settings also ensure that the MacBook is protected. Updating the computer often also provides that the computer is safe to use and up to date.  Lastly, it is essential always to lock your computer at all times to prevent any unauthorized entry.

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