Ballet as an Ethnic Form

I agree with DeMille that ‘theater always reflects the culture that produces it.’  Which means that ballet is classified as a folk song because it depicts the culture from which it originated. Ballet is classified as a folk dance because it represents the beliefs of a tradition such as the use of use of flora, fauna and swans in the dance. There is a debate about whether ballet is a folk dance or not because today ballet is no longer seen as a folk dance because it is not only international, but it has also been hybridized with other folk dances around the world thus losing its foothold.

American Themes –What Makes or Does Not Make Ballet “American”

Ballet is not an American dance because it depicts a culture that is not American. For instance, flora and fauna are represented in ballet a lot which means that ballet originates from a culture where there are a lot of flora, fauna, and swans. However, this is not the case of America which is known for entirely different things. Although there are swans, horses, flora, and fauna in America, it is not part of the American culture. However, most people think of ballet as American. It is because of the perceived definition of folk dance or ethnic around the world. Ethic is perceived as a lack of knowledge about the West which is America. Therefore, the recognized meaning of folk dance is one that lacks rhythm and frenzied. Therefore, any dance that has rhythm and is not frenzied is thought to have originated from the West. Thus, most people have been made to believe that ballet is from America. Also, over the years a lot of aspects of the American culture have been included in dance which creates a false idea of ballet.

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