Baseball Pitchers and Weight Training

Baseball Pitchers and Weight Training

Weight training has been used by several athletes as part of their general training, including Pitchers in baseball. Despite the common belief that weight training decreases the pitch velocity for pitchers, I find this untrue, since if done correctly the training can be crucial to building the velocity of pitchers. One should apply the available scientific knowledge to the training of athletes and the development of effective training programs (Haff & Triplett, 2015).

I believe that it is completely appropriate for pitchers in baseball to train with weights since just like any other athlete; pitchers need the benefits that come with weight training. According to Haff & Triplett (2015), physical exercise and sport performance involve effective, purposeful movements of the body, and this applies to all sports, baseball included. It is therefore advisable to impose the necessary stress involved in weight training to strengthen the pitching arm of a baseball player.

However, to avoid the harms that come with weight training, it is recommended that a pitcher trains a bit differently from other athletes. When lifting weights, the pitcher should consider reducing the total weight of their weights to avoid the wearing off of the joint cartilage (2015).  Another recommendation is that pitchers should also focus on the lower body more, to avoid building a thick upper back which is not good for shoulder flexibility.

Shoulder circles are probably the best way for pitchers to stretch. This stretch helps in warming up and loosening the shoulders. Another crucial stretch is the arm circles which works just like the shoulder circles and serves almost the same purpose. Other significant stretches to help pitchers prevent decreased flexibility are triceps stretch and hugs, which help relax the upper back for more flexibility.