BIOS 242 Week 2 Quiz

Questions 1-11:

  1.      (TCO 3) If you were trying to visualize flagella without staining, which microscope would you use? (Points: 2)
  2.  (TCO 3) The microscope preferred for viewing living specimens is the ____ microscope. (Points: 2)
  3.  (TCO 3) Which of the following staining procedures uses heat to drive the stain in? (Points: 2)
  4.  (TCO 3) Carbolfuchsin is the ____ in the acid-fast stain. (Points: 2)
  5.  (TCO 3) All of the following are associated with smear preparation except ___. (Points: 2)
  6.  (TCO 4) A cell that uses an organic carbon source and obtains energy from light would be called a __. (Points: 2)
  7.  (TCO 4) A microbe that grows only at the bottom of a tube of thioglycollate medium is probably a(n) __. (Points: 2)
  8.  (TCO 4) A fastidious organism might be grown on which of the following types of media? (Points: 2)
  9.  (TCO 4) During which growth phase are bacteria more susceptible to antimicrobial drugs? (Points: 2)
  10. (TCO 4) An organism that tolerates high ____ is called a halophile. (Points: 2)
  11. (TCO 4) Explain how aerobic organisms tolerate the presence of oxygen in their metabolic pathways despite its toxic properties. (Points: 10)