A Buyers Guide to Home Security

Home security has become an important aspect of today’s society. This has led to the advent of CCTVs. CCTV cameras are of different types such as professional-grade cameras that have exchangeable lenses enabling monitoring from different distances mostly for large installations and bullet cameras (Moskal). Bullet cameras are small and used within a specific distance depending on its size and components. Digital video recorder (DVR) is used for recording purposes. There are two types which are PC based CCTV systems which uses special board and software allowing camera inputs to be stored on the hard drive of a computer and standard alone systems which mostly uses hardware for recording.

Digital Surveillance Cameras

Digital surveillance cameras are used for monitoring different installations. VCR is used for recording but over time, it has been overtaken by digital recording due to a higher resolution provided by digital cameras and ease of access. The two types of digital technology are digital video (DV) and closed digital circuit photography (CCDP). DV cameras record images using either a DVR (digital video recorder) or a PC base DV card (Home Security Guru). Most of these cameras have motion detectors enabling them only to record pictures when motion has been detected. The main advantage of digital video over the analog video is high resolution, and the main disadvantage is that quality is compromised due to the many conversions.

Alarms and Sensors

Alarms and sensors are used to detect burglars in the premises. The alarm system comprises of a main control box to which different sensors are connected. Sensors are of different types including ultrasonic sensors, microwave sensors, photoelectric sensors, passive infrared sensors, and noise detectors. Ultrasonic sensors use the radar principle by sending sound waves to detect motion same as microwave sensors, which send microwave radio waves instead of sound waves. Photoelectric sensors detect motion when a beam of light is interrupted from reaching a light sensor when a person crosses (Home Security Guru). These sensors are hooked up to the main control box, which triggers an alarm. The alarm system can be backed up by a CCTV system, which sends real-time photos of the intruder for easy monitoring.

The most important information learnt this week is that there are different ways of protecting premises. Digital surveillance cameras and alarms are just a few of the methods. This information can apply in my future job in that I can use it to secure my office premises.



Home Security Guru. Digital Surveillance Cameras. (n.d.). Retrieved July 28, 2015, from http://www.homesecurityguru.com/digital-surveillance-cameras

Home Security Guru. Introduction to Home Security Systems: Alarms and Sensors. (n.d.). Retrieved July 28, 2015, from http://www.homesecurityguru.com/introduction-to-home-security-systems-alarms-and-sensors/www.fbi.gov/scams-safety/fraud

Moskal, R. (n.d.). A Buyer’s Guide to Home Security Camera Systems. Retrieved July 28, 2015, from http://www.homesecurityguru.com/a-buyers-guide-to-home-security-camera-systems

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