

Caffeine is the world’s most widely used stimulant. Approximately 80% of the world’s population consumes caffeine daily. It is a popular stimulant in every culture. Caffeine is typically formed through the substitution of the parent compound, which is called xanthine. The change if created after the replacement of three methyl groups from the parent. In about 45 minutes after ingestion, almost 99% of the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream. Lambert, (2018), observes that once ingested, caffeine easily passes through the epithelial tissues. From the mouth through to the esophagus to the stomach, caffeine is absorbed to the bloodstream the epithelial tissues of these organs.  It has been noted that when caffeine is consumed in beverages, its absorption rate into the bloodstream is attained through the gastrointestinal tract where it is distributed throughout the body water. When consuming through other means, like chewing caffeine-containing gum, its absorption is rapid through the oral mucosa.

The rapid distribution of the material into the bloodstream of the body ensures that the substances exert its effects in the body at a faster rate. The content can also be absorbed into the body system through smoking.  Besides, it decomposes typically at high temperatures where it can be soluble in water. The drug stimulates the central nervous system of the body type. It can be extracted from tea, chocolate or coffee (Granath et al., 2019). The chemical formula for caffeine is C8H10N4O2. From this chemical formula is evident that it consist of two carbon/nitrogen rings fused. The substance can be found in sixteen different species, but it is most prevalent in coffee and tea. It is white, odorless and hygroscopic solid, which is soluble in water.


During the consumption of the substance into the body, some drugs affect its breakdown in the body. For instance, oral contraceptives that are full of estrogen have an impact on the decline of the drug. Therefore, the substance interferes typically with all the drugs that are responsible for regulating the rhythm of the heart. By the fact that caffeine is a psychostimulant, once it enters in type nervous system, it increases motor activity and stimulates reinforcing and arousal effects. In this regards, when one consume caffeine, it brings about the effect of being alert. One feels more awake and less tired. Other studies have found that in moderate doses, the nervous system is affected leading to reduced fine motor coordination, causing insomnia headaches, nervousness, and dizziness (Lambert 2018). Many of these autonomic nervous system responses are related to the action of the methylxanthine on serotonin neurons. T


Some of the parts that are affected by caffeine in the brain system are the adenosine receptors. The receptors are found throughout the brain on the nerve cell. The drug also interferes with the blood vessels, which connect to the nerve cells of the brain. The substance acts as an inhibitor to these nerve cells and affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is evident that the drug affects typically the body brains, which are associated with concentration and memory of the user. According to the current study, the use of the substance also triggers the standard way of the mind.

The substance cause activation of the prefrontal lobe parts in the brain system. The elements that are generally affected by the use of the substance include the anterior cingulate gyrus. The components are closely associated with executive memory in the brain system. The portions are also the main center of attention that is responsible for planning and monitoring of the brain activities. Therefore, the substance acts as an adenosine receptor in the body system, but instead of activating the receptor it blocks its normal functioning (Willett et al., 2016).



Diagnostic and Statistical Manual provides a caffeine-related disorder in the body of the users. The drug affects the central nervous system of the user. The symptoms of the disorders are typically noticed in the body system after sufficient consumption of the substance. The amount of caffeine that can cause adverse effects on the body of the user depends on the body size of the individual and the degree of tolerance of the body. The understanding of the stimulating effects in the body builds typically up gradually.

For instance, mild withdrawal symptoms were noticed in the collections of individuals who usually take or drink one cup of coffee every day. Some of the users find it easy to abuse or use the drug because their bodies are not sensitive to the taste of the substance. To some extent, caffeine tends to have a bitter taste to grown people, and this may be a good reason that will hinder the consumption of the drug. According to Willett et al., (2016) the current statistics, approximately 30% of the American population cannot comprehend the taste of caffeine.

Some of the symptoms of caffeine on the CNS include brain alert where it relieves the body drowsiness and relieves. Caffeine also causes confusion, which is as a result of overstimulation of the brain. Headache is also a CNS symptom, which is caused by too much consumption of the substance. Besides, increased blood pressure is another CNS symptom. The substance also causes increased urination in the body system due to increased instability on the urinary bladder.




According to a report by the National Coffee Association, 64 percent of Americans consume coffee every day. The same reports indicate that 87 percent drink coffee regularly. Most people consume caffeine since it is a stimulant, which makes them more, more alert more, present and more positive. However, what most Americans do not know, or if they know they ignore is the fact that caffeine is a drug. The 36 percent who do not consume caffeine every day consider themselves health sensitive. These people regard caffeine as a drug, and for that matter an addictive drug. By the fact that the number of people who do not use caffeine is small, there is no notable stigma of use or treatment of caffeine.


The use of caffeine in a beverage like tea, coffee or coke is something common in the United States. However, people who consume caffeine in other forms like chewing caffeine containing gum of caffeine pills continue to be stigmatized in society.  Caffeine has some effects on the body system, which can cause oppression when compared to other substances such as cocaine although they are both used as stimulants. There are also no notable stereotypes concerning racial or gender use. Caffeine use cut across all the races and genders. The use of the element is not based on gender or race because anyone can consume it. Both men and women use the substance in the country, and to some extent, children use the element.

Therefore, all people in the United States use the item, and there is no evidence of rejection in society. Nonetheless, in years to come, the population of people who are extremely health sensitive is going to increase. In this regards, the use of caffeine may cause problems to the user in the future by reducing the concentration rate of the user. It produces traumatic effects on kids or to adults who consume the drug in large quantities.



The article that I found interesting in this scenario is Medical News Today. The article has the capability of making a 4th-grade student to understand everything about caffeine. It also highlights that caffeine is the only psychoactive drug, which can cross the blood-brain barrier, and as a result, it stimulates the CNS. Therefore, the article can be used to give detail information about the drug and the client can be able to understand the positive and side effect of the drug. The primary purpose of the substance is to make beverages with the aim of obtaining CNS stimulant effects. Clinically, the substance is used as a respiratory stimulant and to seizure prolongation, which is dependent on the CNS properties (Gilbert, 2016).







Lambert, K. (2018). Biological Psychology, New York, Oxford University Press,

Ascherio, A., Zhang, S. M., Hernán, M. A., Kawachi, I., Colditz, G. A., Speizer, F. E., & Willett, W. C. (2016). A prospective study of caffeine consumption and risk of Parkinson’s disease in men and women. Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological Association and the Child Neurology Society50(1), 56-63.