Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) entails a multilayer sequence of courses that provide students with technical and academic skills, knowledge, and extensive training that prepare them for future careers (Video by Inside School, n.d). Precisely, the program ensures that the employer’s needs are fulfilled by preparing students for high-wage, high skill and high-demand careers (Association for Career and Technical Education, n.d). Similarly, both the youths and adults are also prepared for postsecondary education whereby they will obtain certificates and degrees. It is believed that high school students who pass through CTE perform better and their rates of graduation are high (Association for Career and Technical Education, n.d). The country’s economy benefits by generating revenue from investing in CTE. The skills developed by students through the CTE addresses the needs of business and industries.

The first principle of UDL entails multiple means of representation. The teacher provides students with options for perception, language and symbols, and also comprehension. Through the principle, the teacher ensures that students have something that they do, and this is the main focus of CTE. When the teacher shows students what to do, they also practice it, and this helps them learn skills. Providing clarification of the language and symbols also helps them learn since they can understand the technical terms. The second principle involves providing students with multiple means of actions and expressions. Students will express their knowledge differently by interacting with materials provided by the teacher and use integrative technologies. For example, the teacher might decide that students should turn in their document on the computer rather than students handing in their papers. The third principle entails multiple means of engagement. Students’ interests can be increased by being given choices and freedom on their assignments and projects. Motivation will make them perform better.

The CTE program’s goals are to ensure that students are provided with academic and technical skill, career opportunities, and career learning experiences. Similarly, the 21st-century learning ensures that students get the knowledge and skills to succeed in life, work and as citizens. Students will be motivated to engage in the CTE program or acquire the 21st-century skills if they believe that they will succeed in the future, or the environment is supportive. Also, they will be motivated when they perceive that by participating in CTE programs or 21st-century learning, they will get desired outcomes.

CTE is a program that equips Montana K-12 students with academic, technical and employment skills and knowledge (Montana Office of Public Instruction, n.d). It helps learners pursue their post-secondary education and prepare them for future careers. The educational strategy was introduced to eliminate vocational education that entailed low-level training or courses. The program has enabled students to acquire competencies required in the current job market. Also, the program offers students with regular academic classes and a variety of practical courses. Montana has more than 500 approved Career and Technical Education programs. Also, it has over 800 certified teachers in various academic fields (Montana Office of Public Instruction, n.d).



Association for Career and Technical Education. (n.d). Career and Technical Education (CTE). Retrieved from

Montana Office of Public Instruction. (n.d). Career and Technical Education (CTE). Retrieved from

Video by Inside School. (n.d). High School: What is the career and technical education? Retrieved from


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