Case Scenario: Changes in the Workplace

I once worked in an indoor children’s play area recreation facility. Business was booming, and the facility made numerous profits. Sometimes the company’s director would give us extra allowances as a sign of appreciation. A few months later the business’s finances began to depreciate. There was a scandal that made the facility bankrupt. The owner had no option but to let some of his staff go. It was sad because I was affected.

I was surprised to hear about the change because it was sudden and unexpected. Looking back I can say the warning signs were not there because we got paid on time and the director never seemed stressed. I had no way of knowing that change was coming because most of the time I was fixated on my work. However, probably if I had made friends with the majority of the employees, I guess I would have known. The thing about me is that most of the times I kept to myself. Since I was a part-time worker, I knew that it was straightforward for the organization to get rid of me. Being alone was, therefore, a defense for me to stay away from trouble. However, it had spent more time with fellow employees I believe I would have had a hint about what was going to happen.

I wasn’t happy about the change because it affected my job as well as my colleagues. It is a part-time job I needed extra money to meet my needs since I was studying. Therefore, losing my post was not something I was going to take lightly. The sad thing is that most of them had families that depended on the income they made. For instance, one of the guys I worked with had two kids, and his wife was jobless. He was also fired, and the sad thing is that he was innocent yet a victim. Majority of the people was severely affected. Especially the accountants some of them were innocent, but they dragged to court. It meant that they had to get additional money to hire a good lawyer. The thought of being in their shoes is very stressful. I remember one of the employees that were affected crying in the toilet the whole day after the sack. She was a single mother of a two-year-old boy. Her only source of income was her job.

The potential risk that I faced in light of the change was losing my job and dragged in the case. The good thing is that I worked as an attendant and my post had less involvement and interaction with money. The good part was that the change did not harm my reputation and credibility because my name never got mentioned in the scandal.

I can say that I had minimal alternatives because I had very little to do with the scandal. And there was no way that I could not avoid the change because it involved a major department in the organization. Besides, it was a part-time job, and there was very little loss for me.

The opportunities posed to me due to change were that I know I had a chance to look for a better job. It is because I know hard more experience put in my résumé.

If I were the person announcing the change to me, I would call myself to a meeting and clearly explained to myself what had happened and why they had to let me go. It would probably be the best way for me to know about the news.

Once I was told the news it was partially worse because I least expected it, however, as time went by I had to accept it. The thing about me is that I am not afraid of stepping in to the unknown and I am not scared of change.

I believe that my values played a significant role in helping me face the issue. Personally, as earlier said, I am not afraid of change. I am also not scared of stepping into their unknown. It’s this part of my belief that played a significant role in helping me cope with the situation. Faith also plays a vital role in my ability to deal with change. I believe that God exists and that he is with us on every journey in life. I also think that he allows every experience that we go through either good or bad and in the end, it works for our good.

One thing that I took away from this experience is that everything that happens to us is for a reason and a purpose. Our role as human beings is to embrace change in a positive manner and not to allow it to affect us negatively. Having friends and family that care about you also helps in dealing with change.


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