Cell Phone Addiction


Use of cell phones has dramatically increased in the recent past thanks to the technological revolution. The introduction of the cell phone has played an essential role in communications all over the world. It is paramount to note that the number of people using cell phones is increasing every year and as a result the human interaction has gone a notch higher. Although the cell phones have improved communication and interaction between human across the globe, the issue of cell phone addiction has also become an area of concern. Mobile phone addiction has become a major issue, especially amongst the youngsters. The problem has been accelerated by the improved technology that is associated with smartphones and androids. Most young people have been engrossed in their cell phone devices such that they neglect other areas of life. In essence, cell phones are one of the greatest of the 21st century and form the newest addiction in the world.

Cell Phone Addiction

As aforementioned more and more people are getting addicted to smart phone use. Apart from the communication benefits, the entertaining systems available in these smart phones have now overstepped the primary or basic purpose of the cell phone. Most of these cell phone devices have other features besides the mobile telecommunication, data transmission, and texting messages. Other features such as gaming software, photo, and video software have also enhanced human addiction to cell phones. It is also worth noting that internet availability in these cell phones has also played a significant part in increased cell phone addiction (Emmanuel, Richard & Samuel Gibson).

Most people are always on their cell phone devices interacting with their friends through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and WhatsApp. If a person is not playing games, then one is very busy chatting or browsing the internet through their mobile gadgets. It is essential to note that people are sacrificing other aspects of life and have total concentration on their cell phone devices. People have also foregone other sources of entertainments and to get their entertainment from the cell phones.

Cell phones form an important part of life for many people especially when it comes to their jobs and policies. For instance, a cell phone is essential for professionals such as doctors, nurses, and stockbrokers. It is also important for students as they may need to contact members of their families and friends once in a while. Nevertheless, when a person stares at the phone for over five hours a day, then this is an addiction and a serious problem. The worrying thing is that most people do not realize that they are addicted to their cell phones, and they find it normal spending so much time on the screens of their smart phones.

Since the introduction of smart phones, the issue of cell phone addiction has been a major issue in many magazines and newspaper. It is alleged that even President Obama is addicted to his Blackberry. People are not only suing their cell phone devices for communication and texting but also for relaxing purposes. Most people are using these devices to play games than they use them for research and contacting their friends and colleagues through telecommunication or texting. In fact, according to previous studies, 4 out of 10 cell phone users play mobile games (Lin). The studies also assert that several million people play mobile games every day especially the youths and students.

During the 21st century, most of the global population spends their time playing mobile games instead of regular calling or texting. The youths are the most affected by this habit as they could not control the attack from this new technology (EsraErkol et al). What most people fail to understand is that the addiction to cell phone devices can be as harmful just like gambling and drugs.

The cell phone addiction is said to have numerous adverse effects. Although the invention of smart phones had good intentions, the global population has shifted the initial intention and as a result, there have been several cases of bad instances brought about by cell phone addiction. To start with, many of the road accidents we are witnessing in our roads today can be attributed to cell phone addiction. It is worth to note that most people are used to making calls or texting as they drive. Others also dare to play games or surf the internet as they drive. As a matter of fact, many people are addicted to their cell phones such that they cannot stop using their devices even while driving at a speed as high as 90 Mile/hour. Addicts of these devices tend to forget the risks involved in using these devices while driving.

It is paramount noting that the whole world is addicted to driving call consequently making it a global issue (Emmanuel, Richard & Samuel Gibson).  These are risky adventures that cannot only hurt people but also lead to fatalities. It is, therefore, imperative for policymakers to come up with policies that can limit the use of cell devices while driving. Such policies are vital to reducing the increasing cases of road accidents resulting from cell phone addiction.

Besides being a major cause of many road accidents witnessed in our roads today, cell phone addiction has also lead to deteriorated relationship. Although the devices are meant to increase communication and interaction between people, cell phone addiction has been a major cause of family disintegration. Most couples have constantly disagreed or confronted each other simply as a result of cell phone addiction. Cell phone addiction leads to people spending most of their time on their phones and hence neglecting their partners. This may be a source of discomfort amongst the couples and consequently, ruin their relationships.

Cell phone addiction can also have adverse effects on a person’s social life. For instance, most of the young people are using their leisure time playing games on their cell phone devices. This time, would otherwise be used in other interactive activities such as soccer, dance, and drama. Such interactive sessions would improve the social life of the addicts. However, the addicts miss the chance of interacting with other people as they spend most of their time on the screens of their device.  The cell phone addiction culture has the limited opportunity of making new friends and gaining physical fitness as people has resulted in online games instead of physical exercise.

Cell phone addiction has also been associated with dangerous health and biological effects. For instance, it is worth noting that cell phones are the widely used electronic gadgets in the world. Some studies suggest that these devices emit radio frequencies that are harmful to human health. In fact, studies have attributed some cases of brain damage to the radioactive emissions from the increased use of cell phone devices. Previous studies assert that use of cell phone leads to the emission of RF-EMFs and due to their proximity to the head, they are said to be a potential cause to brain tumor.

It is worth to note that long-term use of cell phones has been associated with different types of brain tumor (Lin). Also, the radioactive frequencies from the cell phones are also said to be a leading cause of brain cancer. It is, therefore, prudent for cell phone user to realize that excessive use of these devices can lead to dangerous illnesses such as cancer.

It is also imperative to note that cell phone addiction brings about physical, psychological and social health concerns. For instance, cell phone addicts are known to be people with low self-esteem and poor social relationships. As aforementioned, many cell phone addicts are always secluded and in silence. The increased silence can lead to increased anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbances insomnia and digestive problems just to mention a few. Previous studies have associated cell phone addiction to insomnia, stress, depression, unhealthy lifestyle, and psychological distress (EsraErkol et al). People addicted to cell phones are made to believe that they cannot live without the cell phone. This implies that if one finds himself or herself addicted to their cell phones should seek medical attention.

Cell phone addiction has been a leading cause of psychological problems such as insomnia and depression. It also leads to low social ties as individuals suffer from loneliness, isolation, and depression. Previous studies have also associated cell phone addiction with social anxiety and sleep disorders. It is also prudent to note that cell phone addiction has some adverse effects on the human nervous system.

There are a number of  studies that have confirmed that memory retention and retrieval are severely affected by the mobile phone RF-EMR. Increased use of cell phone device is said to bring about impaired cognitive performance (Emmanuel, Richard & Samuel Gibson). In fact, the radiations from the cell phone use are said to be leading causes of central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, migraine or vertigo just to mention a few. It is also imperative to point out that the increased use of cell phone gadgets has also been associated with some reproductive problems.

Previous studies suggest that the RF-EMF from these devices have major effects on human reproduction and more specifically to males. It is argued that these radiations affect the quality of the semen that is affected by the electromagnetic radiation. It is imperative noting that these radiations have a significant impact on sperm count, motility, viability and normal morphology and all these factors are essential in the reproduction process.

Another consideration of the cell phone addiction is the effect of hand function resulting from smart phone overuse. From the previous studies, it is evident that those people who constantly use their smart phones are more likely to have impaired hand function and pinch strength compared to those who rarely use their smart phones. It is imperative to note that cell phone addicts will always use be using their hands to text and chat on their devices (EsraErkol et al).  The continuous use of the device will lead to repetitive flexion/extension of the wrist. This will lead to enlarged median nerve, cause pain in the thumb and decrease the pinch strength and hand functions.

As aforementioned above, cell phone addiction has detrimental social, physical and psychological health concerns that should be addressed adequately. Thus,  cell phone addictions has to an extent lead to negative occurrences such as auto accidents, divorce, poor performance at both work and in class not to mention some of the health problems that have been associated with the frequent use of the phones.


In a nutshell, cell phones have become an integral part of life in the modern society. Almost every person in the developing and developed country owns a phone. The devices have improved communication and interaction of people across borders.  Although the devices have made the communication quicker and easier, the overuse of the device has had detrimental effects thus making the issue of cell phone addiction an issue of global concern. For instance, the cell phones devices have adversely affected the human social life to a great extent. The mobile games have replaced other physical games such as football where people get an opportunity to interact with one another. On the same note, the devices have also replaced face to face communication between human thus creating social gaps. Besides, cell phone devices are also known to have been a leading cause of physical, social and psychological health concerns to the human population.  Illnesses such as cancer, brain tumor, depression, and reproduction issues have all been associated with cell phone addiction. Cell phone addiction has also been a primary cause of personal and public troubles especially when it leads to road accidents. It is a fact that the inventions of smart phones have made the life of people quite easy, however, people should also know that life can also continue without them. The merits or demerits of using cell phones depend on the way how we can use it in right ways or wrong ways. For those who are able to put in control safety measures and the frequency of using the phone they are less likely to face challenges associated with over usage of the important communication gadget.  It is, therefore, for users of the phone to weigh carefully between the significant of devices and their negative impact and strike a balance.


Work cited

Inal, EsraErkol et al. “Effects Of Smartphone Overuse On Hand Function, Pinch Strength, and the Median Nerve”. Onesearch.cuny.edu. N.p., 2016. Web. 2 May 2016.

Emmanuel, Richard and Samuel Gibson. “The Truth about Smartphone Addiction. (Report)”. Onesearch.cuny.edu. N.p., 2016. Web. 2 May 2016

Lin, James, C. “Popularity, Funding For Health-Effect Research and Cell-Phone Addiction”. Telecommunications, Health and Safety. N.p., 2016. Web. 2 May 2016.

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