Chemical Bonds

Chemical bonds are an attraction that exists on items because there is an attraction force where atoms are pulled together by the force because they share electrons. The chemical bonds enable items to remain together because they have something holding them together. The chemical bond keeps the atoms attracted together; hence the object is able to remain together in one form. All the atoms in an object have electrons that help in keeping the object connected. The arrangements of the electrons determine the shape of the object and its strength in terms of the object being able to remain in the same form. The three types of chemical bonds include the ionic bond, covalent and the polar covalent.

The ionic bond is formed when the electrons are moving from one atom to the other hence the electrons need to remain charged for the bond to remain. The bond can remain active if the atoms have opposite electronegativity (Wakim, & Grewal, 2018). The other bond is the covalent bond that involves two or more toms sharing electrons, and the atoms have to remain together because they share an ordinary electron. The electrons need to have similar electronegativity for them to remain connected by sharing the electron. The last bond is the polar covalent bond that occurs between atoms that have different electronegativity. The bonds enable the atoms to remain together connected.

In conclusion, the type of bond depends on the electrons that make them remain connected together. The strength of the bond is also determined by a number of electrons that are holding the atoms together. Bonds play a significant role in ensuring that objects exist and remain connected together.


Wakim, S., & Grewal, M. (2018). 3.3: Chemical Bonding. Retrieved from