Christian Worldviews

Christian Worldviews Implicate Which People? Who between a Young and Old American is Influenced by Christian Worldview? Define Christian Worldview and Outline How the Evaluation of Christian Worldviews in America is going to Be Carried Out

A Christian worldview is an outline of thoughts and principles through which a Christian individual, group or culture understands the world and interrelates with it (Dahlvig & Longman, 2016). A Christian worldview, in addition, includes any philosophy, ideology, religion or movement which stipulates an overarching way of understanding God, man’s relationship with God, and the world. Christian worldviews more influence an American adult according to research. This is shown by the fact that 46% of American adults have a biblical perspective in America. In contrast, most young adults aged 18 to 30 years do not follow any religious teachings. Therefore, they are merely Atheists and Agnostics who do not consider Christian worldviews. Moreover, Christian worldviews differ concerning specific Christian denominations, but many Christian themes are usually agreed. The study to evaluate the Christian worldviews on Americans is carried out by giving questionnaires with questions relating to individual behavior and relation to religious belief asked. If one scores 80% on the questions asked, they are considered integrated disciples, people who believe fundamental Bible truths and practice biblical living.

Which is the Most Popular Religious Belief in the State of South Carolina? What Are The Common Practices and Beliefs of a Regular Christian in South Carolina? Do These Practices Define Most of the People in South Carolina?

Christianity is the most popular religion in South Carolina. An individual from South Carolina most likely practices Christian worldviews because Christians constitute the most significant number of religious affiliates in the state. Other religions found in South Carolina are Islam, Buddhism, Baha’i, and the unaffiliated that have no religious affiliation (Corrigan, & Hudson, 2018). Therefore, most South Carolina residents are well-defined through their religious affiliations. People with strong Christian worldviews have characteristics such as they observe their worship routines, they frequently pray to God, and they value religion and the role it has in their lives (Corrigan, & Hudson, 2018). Furthermore, most South Carolina residents accept that Christian worldviews play a big part in their lives. Most of the residents in South Carolina visit religious sanctuaries at least once every week.  Furthermore, many residents of this state take time to involve themselves in prayer daily. Also, a large amount of South Carolina residents say that they believe that there is God.

Use Relative Data to Analyze the Influence of Christian Worldview Characterized In The Southern Region of the United States. Prove Whether It is true that Christianity Worldviews Dominate the Southern Region of America?

A large number of people in the Southern part involve themselves in following Christian worldviews. This is shown by the statistics collected on religion in the state of South Carolina. The state of South Carolina is the 5th most religious state in America with 70% of the residents categorized as highly religious. Moreover, according to data collected, 69% of South Carolina residents accept that religion is a big part of their lives. This ranks them sixth in this aspect across all states. Furthermore, South Carolina ranks fifth in the people who visit religious sanctuaries weekly at 47%. Nevertheless, 66% of South Carolina residents say that they take time to pray daily which ranks them at 6th overall. Besides, 74% of South Carolina residents say that they certainly believe that there is God. They are ranked 8th overall in this aspect.

In essence, the southern part of the United States is referred to as the religious belt. This is because many of the south of states practice Christianity as the most common religion. This belief has deteriorated across the whole of America because according to studies many young people are nonbelievers. They are mainly Atheists and Agnostics.




Dahlvig, J. E., & Longman, K. A. (2016). Influences of an evangelical Christian worldview on women’s leadership development. Advances in Developing Human Resources18(2), 243-259.

Corrigan, J., & Hudson, W. (2018). Religion in America. Routledge.