Class and Race Barriers in America

Class and Race Barriers in America


Despite a change in social perception towards different races, racism in America has continued to punctuate the American society taking on different forms of discriminations. These discriminations can take the form of preferential treatment for a particular race in a restaurant; accommodating stereotyping that creates a negative image of a particular race, to a perceived form of discrimination from a law enforcing officer, to even the drafting of recruitmentprocedures and process that incline the results towards favoring a particular race.

This paper addresses the issue of racism, borrowing heavily from the experience of dougglanvile, and in the process handling the issue of racism as it relates to classsoppresion, class mobility and racial profiling



In the tragedy of racism, no one has satisfaction. Whites and blacks live in such separate cultural communities, they have different speech patterns, and America’s racial polarity has generated a fear of racial disloyalty. Racism and prejudice may be underground but they are resilient.There is a big difference between publicly saying something, privately thinking it and doing something about it. The tragedy of racism should move American society to action. No person chose his or her race, culture or life chances. However, people can choose their responses to racism. The battle begins in the mind.

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr dreamed of a society where people were judged by the content of their character. Imagine what America could be if it were free from racism, imagine one human family in the world community? The antidote to racism is love. Without love, the society is nothing.


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Feagan, J. R. (2001). Racist America: Roots, Current realities, and Future Reparations. New York: Routledge.

Smith, R. C. (1995). Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Now You See It, Now You Don’t. SUNY Press.

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