Climatic Change

First and foremost Paul Douglas has clearly outlined the undesirable climatic changes in America. For example, a change in atmospherictemperature has been experienced. ( Ham Weather reports, March 2017).it would thus take the action of the government to prevent this unfavorable climatic change.

Paul Douglas states that the government has caused these changes. The U.S. reserves of carbon-based fuels for close to roughly $10 trillion in the ground(Brad Johnson, Congress Research Service, March 2017). For if the mining of the carbon-based product was left at this stage and the reduction of usage of carbon-based products enhances and the embracing of usage of other energy-based products such as solar energy resulting in saving   environmental pollution leading to climate change.

The governments should support the climatic research boardsand even go an extra mile to fund them .In America some believe that this is the work of the government for exploitation as quoted “insuring more fat government research grants” . The above mentality may create a very big hindrance towards this research projects thus scraping them off and in turn leading to climatic changes all over America.

The zoo is a park or gardens, for study, conservation, or display to the public. In this case the Copenhagen report shows that the giraffe was put down to prevent it from breeding to prevent it from reaching the surplus breeding amount. This is a very null and void reason bearing in mind that it could have been transferred to a more avid and well build area for survival .Wild animals and like in this case giraffes are a resource for   learning the basics of their size, habitat. The giraffe killed is just one of the many animals will help to balance the ecosystem.



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