Collaborative Committee Meeting

Collaborative Committee Meeting

Committees are very important in steering the projects within an organization. Before implementing these projects, the committee is expected to hold series of meetings where they deliberate on the priority of events and the mode of implementation. The committees are always comprised of different members with a chairman as their leader. There other members are also expected to perform different duties such as holding of cash, writing of minutes, keeping if the committee records and convening of meetings just to mention a few. In this report, I will discuss a committee meeting in a health organization within our region (Fisher, 2013).

The committee in our local health care organization was held on 1st march 2015 as stipulated by the last meetings minutes. One of the committee members convened the meeting with a word of prayer which marked the beginning of what was expected to be helpful deliberations. After the prayers, the chairman convened the meeting which was to deliberate on how the organization could expand by building another pharmaceutical house within the premises. A word from the chairman was followed by reading of the previous meetings minutes which was read by the secretary of the committee. The committee had a chance to deliberate on those minutes and discuss on issues arising from such minutes (Jennings, 2007).

After discussing the previous meetings minutes, the chairman has a chance to speak again and opens the floor for discussing the business of the day. At this point, all the committee members have the chance to speak their mind. It is an open opportunity where the views of the members are considered and deliberated on. However, it is important to understand that although it is an open discussion, it is a structured one where the chairman offers guidance to the deliberations. This means that a particular issue is discussed at length before venturing to the other issue.

For example, the chairman spells out the budget required in the completion of the building and lets the members know what they have in their account and the deficit. The members are given a chance to deliberate on the different sources of finance that would supplement the deficit. All the proposals from the different committee members are discussed deducing merits and demerits. After agreeing on the best options which is mainly reached at after majority approval, the secretary notes down as the resolutions. Where the members fail to reach an agreement, the chairman orders that they take home and the contentious issue can be discussed during the next meeting (Fisher, 2013).

The interaction between the members is very healthy since views of every member are treated with the respect they deserve. Though there were some disagreements, the members have a great discipline where they would iron out their differences amicably. Every member of the committee is also given a role to play when the committee is out of session. The participation of every member is very important since it makes it possible for the team to fulfill its objectives. The interactive session makes the committee members to feel part of the organizational success. From the committee meeting, it was evident that the decisions made are as a result of immense consultations among the members thus forming shared governance.


Fisher, A. (2013). Collaborative Public Diplomacy How Trans-National Networks Influenced American Studies in Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hornby, S., & Atkins, J. (2000). Collaborative care interprofessional, interagency and interpersonal (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science.

Jennings, M. (2007). Leading effective meetings, teams, and work groups in districts and schools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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