Community Analysis and Nursing Diagnosis

Community Analysis and Nursing Diagnosis

A community’s health analysis is always a vital tool in advancing the health of a community. During the assessment period, the body tasked with the assessment identifies community health needs, patterns of health responses and trends in health care use, and the available resources in the community which can be harnessed for the betterment of the community’s health (Minnesota Department of Health, 2015-2019). The analysis process is usually carried out in four phases which is essential to have a look into.

The first phase involves categorizing the community under assessment. The categorization process and be both demographic and psychographic. By classifying a population demographically, we can determine the age and sex that is affected by a particular disease. On the other hand, the psychographic grouping of a community helps the researchers identify the community’s lifestyle that might be a causative agent of the illnesses.

The second phase involves giving a summary of the data collected. The review can be provided in the form of pie-charts. The summaries can establish population health problems in terms of percentages or ratios based on the categories. After the summary, it is good to make a comparison of the data to determine the fault that exists in the data. Lastly, it is good to make inferences to the data that has been summarized. Through the percentage summary, one can infer the disease with the highest percentage and the category most affected.

The phases of health assessment discussed above help in establishing the problem and the mitigation measures that should be undertaken to solve the problem. Additionally, nurses can identify the most prevalent disease indicated by percentages in the summaries and hence enabling them to prioritize in disease treatment (Minnesota Department of Health).



(Minnesota Department of Health, 2015-2019) retrieved on March 26, 2019.