Community health nursing: HIV/AIDS

Community health nursing is a body of nursing practice and open practice attached to development, safeguarding, and advancement of a soundness populace. The concept of this training is general and reaches a large audience. This is training has no age restriction or demonstrative gathering. Community health nursing is a vital and essential part of public health. Nursing well-coordinated and reached to the public, for example, crowds, people or even families contribute to the well-being of the aggregated populace.

HIV/ AIDS is a significant problem affecting every community in all parts of the world. HIV is a disease that people among society are living with, and in the world, the estimated number of people is 33 million. This implies that among each community there are people infected with disease and 1 in 5 is not aware that they are HIV positive ( Bedelu et al., 2007). HIV is a type of illness that once someone is HIV positive, that means that the person is permanently infected. The viruses in the body keep on multiplying making the human system too weak to fight back which in turns develops to AIDS. Thus, at this stage, there is no cure only the antiretroviral drugs that slow down the process of destruction in an HIV positive patient.

In conclusion according to surveys and research, increased number of people with HIV/AIDS in rural places are associated with the lifestyle which is shaped by economic, political and social practice that contribute to health discrepancies (Bedelu et al., 2007). Therefore, community health cares in these areas should educate and enlighten these people on the importance of medical facility centers. For the already infected they should begin taking medication and visiting the medical for check-ups. Practices that violet human life such as female genital mutilation should stop. Families of the infected should also be taken care of since they are also affected socially, financially and emotionally.

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