Competitive Positioning

Competitive positioning is the process through which a business curves out its own spot or differentiates its product to be unique in the market. The positioning is usually influenced by the market size, the competitive analysis, customer segments and method of delivering value. The differentiation aspect of the product or service is very crucial to the success since it makes the product easily identifiable. The aspect of uniqueness makes it easier to influence the market and win mindshare.

To achieve this differentiation and carve out a spot, an organization needs to apply the three methods for delivering value. Operational excellence is the first method and focuses on the production process of an organization. It aims at producing its products at the lowest possible cost so as to have competitive prices. The second method is product leadership which mainly focuses on the product and its quality. It therefore focuses on the quality and innovation to ensure the product’s quality is a notch above the competitors. Finally the third method is developing of customer intimacy. This is achieved through focus on consumer needs and trends and coming up with customized products that meet their preferences.

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