Corporate Social Responsibility and the Future

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Future

I believe that the expectation of the society for the corporate social responsibility will change in the next decade. Companies should change their operations if they need to obtain and retain customers. Similarly, they should change if they need to keep the investment of the stakeholders secure and safe. However, according to Idowu and Leal (2008), society’s expectation will not change in the future unless corporations engage in activities that meet the needs of the society and this will enable them to survive. Corporate social responsibility intends to embrace responsibility for the actions of the company and encourages activities that result in positive impact on the society (Idowu & Leal, 2008). Expectations of the society will change since CSR aim to cater for the general and financial interest of the stockholders. Shareholders play a critical role in a corporation since they are the investors. Therefore, businesses will ensure that the CSR accomplishes its objective of serving the interest and well-being of stockholders and society if they want to gain customer loyalty. Since change is inevitable, businesses should ensure that they plan and prepare their activities so that they minimize interruptions in case a problem arises.

Idowu, S. O., & Leal, F. W. (2008). Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility. Berlin: Springer Berlin.


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