Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a surgical procedure whose purpose is to correct or improve various body imperfections. The expertise is useful in correcting flaws that occur due to congenital issues, illnesses, and traumatic events (Barone, Cogliandro, &Persichetti, 2017). Cosmetic operation is one of the types of plastic surgery. Whereas the latter primarily focuses on reconstructive procedures, the former seeks to improve an individual’s appearance. Reconstructive surgery strives to treat morphological changes due to pathological conditions. The popularity of these medical procedures has risen significantly over the years. Aspects such as concerns about levels of attractiveness based on one’s physical traits and beauty standards characterize the present-day society (Barone et al., 2017). Thus, more people are increasingly pursuing cosmetic procedures despite their effects on individuals’ wellbeing. This paper discusses the positive and negative impacts of cosmetic surgery on individuals.

The objective of medicine, ultimately, is to enable restoration of a patient’s mental and physical balance as well as wellness. In the field of plastic surgery, this goal translates to a happy coexistence between the aspect of outer beauty and inner truth which contribute to the attainment of an overall state of excellent health (Barone et al., 2017). Thus, one of the effects of aesthetic procedures is the modification of a person’s self-perception. It changes the relationship between one’s view of themselves and the level of appreciation they have for their body structures (Barone et al., 2017). Besides changes on the external features of a person, cosmetic surgery alters individuals in their entirety. Once a patient undergoes a surgical procedure, the changes are irreversible. Therefore, it impacts an individual’s physical and psychological wellbeing.

Undertaking aesthetic surgery can also result in undesired side effects. Factors such as failure to select reputable surgeons or ascertaining their credentials and qualifications increase the likelihood of adverse outcomes (Nordqvist & Hannan, 2017). While medical procedures are relatively safe, various complications can arise during or after the process is complete. For instance, a client who undergoes an aesthetic procedure such as a facelift can suffer from a change in the hairline, bleeding, and swelling. Challenges due to wound healing problems are a significant concern, especially among patients who smoke (“Risks and complication in Cosmetic surgery,” n.d.). When healing of scars and wounds obtained from surgery takes unnecessarily longer than anticipated, it can dampen an individual’s self-perception further. Thus, the medical procedure would not have yielded the expected results. Therefore, an adverse outcome may lead to reduced appreciation in oneself and their appearance.

Apart from the impact on an individual’s psychological wellbeing due to the therapeutic function of cosmetic surgery, one may experience various wound-related infections. Failure to carefully care for one’s body after procedures such as liposuctions and tummy tucks can lead to the collection of wound fluids. Gathering of fluids around the altered parts increases the possibility of infections that may cause further complications (“Risks and Complication in Cosmetic surgery,” n.d.). In such a case, the healing process takes longer as one may require medical attention to treat diseases. A typical procedure like breast augmentation can lead to rare conditions like loss of ability to breastfeed and temporary or permanent loss of nipple sensation. Other issues include ripping of implants, leakages, and ruptures (“Risks and Complication in Cosmetic surgery,” n.d.). Hence, various forms of aesthetic surgery can cause complications that negatively impact wellness.

Overall, cosmetic surgery has both potential benefits and disadvantages to clients. Unlike reconstructive procedures that focus on treating morphological modifications, aesthetic surgery aims to improve individuals’ appearances. The use of surgery to enhance levels of beauty has increased tremendously. The shift is due to the value attached to the appeal of particular physical features. Besides, society has established some sets of beauty standards. Although cosmetic surgery improves one’s self-perception and improves psychological wellness, it can result in other health complications due to wound-related problems.



Barone, M., Cogliandro, A., &Persichetti, P. (2017). Ethics and plastic surgery/what is plastic surgery? Archives of Plastic Surgery, 44(1), 90.

Nordqvist, C., & Hannan, MD, C. (2017). Cosmetic surgery: Types, surgeons, and tips. Medical News Today. Retrieved from

Risks and complication in Cosmetic surgery. (n.d.). Retrieved from$FILE/Guidelines_cosmetic_surgery_risk_and_complications.pdf