Cost-Benefit Analysis of Male Circumcision to Prevent HIV

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Male Circumcision to Prevent HIV

What is the cost-benefit analysis of male circumcision to prevent HIV in terms of monetary costs and harms to the individual being circumcised?

The cost-benefit analysis of male circumcision takes into consideration the cost of the procedure and the cost incurred when training the health personnel. Other factors to consider include cost of disseminating information, education and maintaining the health care facilities. Male circumcision is cost saving. The use of modern technology during the procedure as opposed to the traditional surgery reduces the cost (Atashili, 2006). Male circumcision is a promising new strategy that helps to prevent the acquisition of HIV in men. Although male circumcision is a promising strategy, health care providers should not consider replacing other methods of HIV prevention. In HIV prevalence areas, the benefits of managing HIV cases are higher compared to the cost of averting HIV infection (Uthman, et al., 2011). Another benefit of male circumcision is that men get the opportunity to receive voluntary counseling and testing, and increased awareness of the disease (Atashili, 2006). Also, the intervention by the public health including male circumcision increases the chance of men coming into contact with the healthcare system thus reducing other penile infections. Male circumcision has the potential to reduce the transmission efficiency of HIV thus decreasing the rate of HIV reproduction in a population (Atashili, 2006). Therefore, citing Uthman, et al., (2011), its benefits are higher compared to the monetary costs because a lot of men have been circumcised and this has reduced their chances of contracting HIV by 60%.



Atashili, J. (2006). Adult male circumcision to prevent HIV? International journal of infectious diseases, 10(3), 202-205.

Uthman, O. A., Popoola, T. A., Yahaya, I., Uthman, M. M., & Aremu, O. (2011). The cost-utility analysis of adult male circumcision for prevention of heterosexual acquisition of HIV in men in sub-Saharan Africa: a probabilistic decision model. Value in Health, 14(1), 70-79.


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