Criminal Justice Organizations

Criminal Justice Organizations

Organization structure forms the hierarchy in which individuals have a set of responsibilities, and there are different communication levels which contributes to the productivity of an organization (Kanten,  Kanten & Gurlek, 2015). Structure directly relates to the need for efficiency as it involves the management and the employees. Managerial influence determines the effectiveness of the organization. For instance, reliable and competent management at various levels of the organization spreads their role in different departments and assist in making sustainable decisions that contribute towards increased performance and ultimately enhances the overall efficiency (Kanten et al., 2015). A well-setup structure facilitates the flow of information from any level in the organization thus the critical information reaches the management at the right time and they, in turn, communicate with the employees at the right time meaning there is no communication breakdown thus enhanced efficiency.

Moreover, the structure also relates to the need for learning and innovation as it improves performance indirectly through innovation (Kanten et al., 2015). Besides, having competent management and employees gives the organization a competitive advantage. A well-coordinated effort of different actors at any level of the organization promotes creativity through shared ideas and learning new ideas and concepts from the management or other employees within the departments (Kanten et al., 2015). Organization structure thus promotes learning and innovation through by creating a friendly environment with free flow of information and contribution of individuals towards increased performance in the organization.

The increased technological innovations affect the performance of criminal justice organizations in several ways. For instance, management uses technology for analytics and big data management. Technology thus provides an opportunity for criminal justice organizations to perform the role of predictive policing which involves pinpointing areas with high risk of crime depending on the available data on the crime rate history of the particular areas (Del Giudice & Della Peruta, 2016). Technology also enables the management to identify learning and training opportunities for the employees to improve on their competency levels thus enhances productivity and eventually increased efficiency (Del Giudice & Della Peruta, 2016). However, the challenge of new technology is that the criminal justice organization risk threats of cybercrime which might result from breaching of data that affect the organization’s performance negatively.



Del Giudice, M., & Della Peruta, M. R. (2016). The impact of IT-based knowledge management systems on internal venturing and innovation: a structural equation modeling approach to corporate performance. Journal of Knowledge Management20(3), 484-498.

Kanten, P., Kanten, S., & Gurlek, M. (2015). The effects of organizational structures and learning organization on job embeddedness and individual adaptive performance. Procedia Economics and Finance23, 1358-1366.