Critical response

Critical response

  1. Rewriting

Rewriting is merely drawing from, commenting on or adding to the works that have been done by others. In rewriting one should not write in the same way as the previous people and this helps in avoiding plagiarism (Harris 2).

  1. How to respond

On the other hand, responding means to add something on top of what had previously been written about (Harris 2). In this, it is crucial for one to select the texts and phrases to emphasize creatively.

  1. Coming in terms

It is essential to come in term and understand all the complex texts from other peoples work before rewriting (Harris 5). This helps in being fair to their work and what one wants to write about.

  1. Forward

This involves the borrowing of words from others to transfer it to others. In forwarding, one seeks to extend the range and power of quotes and phrases (Harris 6).

  1. Countering

Countering involves developing what one says as a writer by taking the school of thought through the limits and the problems of texts (Harris 6).

  1. Taking an approach

This does not include just using the ideas of other writers but taking their concepts and applying them to a new idea or text. However in other instances, one might decide to use their texts, but the idea and motive should be that of making them powerful than they are (Harris 7).

  1. Revision

Some writers view revision as a way of restructuring and working on the way sentences and paragraphs had been written. According to Harris (7) revision involves the asking of questions and doing a rework of one’s writing in the same way one does to other writers work.

  1. Remixing

Remixing is the idea whereas a writer one is introduced to a digital environment which involves coming from the page context to the screen context. Digital writing consists of the writing of multiple versions of a single piece (Harris 8).

  1. Text

In academic writing, the word text means an artifact that holds some meaning to the reader or a viewer. Examples of documents include books, cartoons, songs, plays, movies, billboards, advertisements among others (Harris 1).

  1. Important sets of texts on the table

The writer integrates some of the essays that students draft in class and have to revise which is vital during their learning process. It also brings together media, work, and schooling that is very important to the students throughout the semester (Harris 9).




Harris, Joseph. Rewriting: How to do things with texts. University Press of Colorado, 2017.

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