Customs, Traditions and Courtesies of the US Army

Customs, Traditions and Courtesies of the US Army

The US army is one of the most recognized forces in the world. As soldiers, they have the responsibility of securing America from external attacks and ensure that all the country’s boundaries are safe.  They have a responsibility to provide better life for the oppressed and impoverished people. It is important to understand that the American army has been successful in each and every mission that they have been called upon.  This success has not only been as a result of the heavy armory and technological advances but as a result of the discipline that these soldiers are expected to maintain.  The American soldiers are guided by traditions, customs and courtesies that offer guidelines to what the soldiers must do n different circumstances. Adherence to all these has been the unifying factor between the American soldier and the rest of the American population throughout the American history.

To start with, the American army has its own customs. These are established practices that every soldier must uphold. The customs in the army are its common law and may be both official and social. They provide guidelines in the things that soldiers should do and those that must be avoided. Those customs that endure stand on their own merits. As a long established social organization, the Army observes a number of customs that add to the interest, pleasure, and graciousness of Army life. If actions of any soldier go against these customs, then the soldier is said to be ignorant, careless or ill bred. Such an offender is liable and is likely to have official censure or a disciplinary action against him or her.  Some of these customs include;

  • Never criticize the army or a leader in public
  • Never offer excuses
  • Never turn and walk away to avoid giving hand salute
  • Never appear in uniform while under influence of alcohol. e.t.c.

Courtesies are also another source of discipline amongst the US soldiers. This is vital in the army professional as it ensures high level of discipline amongst the soldiers. Military courtesy means good manners and politeness in dealing with other people. Courteous behavior provides a basis for developing good human relations. The distinction between civilian and military courtesy is that military courtesy was developed in a military atmosphere and has become an integral part of serving in uniform (FM 7-22.13). For instance, it is normal for a soldier to address a senior officer as ‘’sir’’ or ‘’madam’’. It is nevertheless crucial understanding that mutual respect is paramount in the military service.  All the members in the force must be courteous to each other irrespective of their positions. Some of the Army’s more common courtesies include rendering the hand salute, standing at attention or parade rest, or even addressing others by their rank.

It is also prudent to note that the US Army has some traditions that are strictly followed in their daily operations. A tradition is a customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior help by an identifiable group of people. It is information, beliefs, and customs handed down by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction. Our military traditions are really the “Army Way” of doing and thinking. An interesting thing about traditions is that many of our Army traditions started out as something quite different from what they are now. These traditions are mainly expresses in the things they do as well as the uniform they wear.  It is worth noting that most of the words used in the army are unique and have been adopted from different parts of the world at different times in history. Some of the traditions includes; ceremonial duties, promotion parties and Unit mottoes just mentioning a few.  To sum it up, the US army has strong traditions, customs and courtesies that have defined the force for quite a long time and hence has been part of its history. The customs, courtesies, and traditions of the US Army provide a connection with soldiers throughout the history of the Nation.


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