CXU_WK10_WKSP- Elements of Data Analysis

CXU_WK10_WKSP- Elements of Data Analysis

Research Question

My research question is “how would you as a Latina/o immigrant living in the United States describe your experience regarding your protection from racial nativists?” I formulated the question to determine whether the government and society offer adequate protection to immigrants who are vulnerable to attack from racial nativists in the country.

Chosen Research Approach

The qualitative research approach that I chose to conduct the study under is the basic qualitative inquiry approach. The method’s critical focus is on the exploration and description of experiences, and that is the focus of my study (Patton, 2014). I will explore the experiences of Latina/o immigrants in the United States regarding their protection from racial nativists. Procedures that follow from the method such as data analysis procedures fit well with my study (Patton, 2014).

Sampling Plan

Two subjects were selected to participate in the study. The criteria for the selection of participants were that one has to be a Latina/o immigrant living in the US, the participant must be 18 years or older, experienced regarding the protection of immigrants from racial nativist groups and individuals, and a friend, relative, or acquaintance of mine. I contacted different individuals that fit the selection criteria and was able to convince two to be part of the study. Details regarding the study were discussed over the phone and essential documents sent through email. The interviewees were asked preset interview questions over the phone. The interviews were recorded and transcripts of the same created.

Key Elements of Data Analysis

There are several categories of qualitative data analysis that are consistent with my chosen qualitative research approach. One of the categories is content analysis. The data analysis method involves the categorization of verbal and behavioral data, classification, summarization, and tabulation of the same (Patton, 2014). Once data has been coded, classified, and tabulated methods of content analysis like relational analysis are used to analyze the data and seek for patterns and other insights (Cooper & Endacott, 2007). The second element of data analysis that is consistent with my chosen approach is framework analysis. The method consists of familiarizing oneself with data, coding the data, charting, and the interpretation and mapping of results (Gale et al., 2013). The framework analysis method is more advanced (Gale et al., 2013). The narrative analysis approach is also consistent with my study. The approach involves the reframing of respondent’s stories to identify critical insights (Gale et al., 2013). The experiences and context of each case have to be considered. The analysis method that best fits my study is content analysis. The method will aid me in analyzing the interviews’ content and answer the research question.


Interview One

Codes Quotes
Encountered Racial Nativists “Sometimes when arguing or having a conflict with strangers, they tell me something racist like go back to your country.”


“I have been insulted by some racist anti-immigration people but not assaulted.”

Feeling Awful “Earlier on when I started getting such abuses it was awful. I felt bad and talked to my parents and friends about it.”
Adapted “Nowadays it hardly affects me. I have gotten used to it, and I can defend myself from disrespectful people.”
Satisfactory Government Protection “Racial violence and insults are very rare nowadays and so it is rare for such cases to be reported. The police act according to the law in investigating all crimes and in that way, immigrants are protected.

Satisfactory Societal Protection “Members of the society are doing a wonderful job in fighting racism where I live. There have been riots organized to oppose the activities of racist groups. There are numerous cases of members of the society standing up against racist anti-immigration people.”


Interview Two

Codes Quotes
Encountered Racial Nativists “Yes. I have in the past encountered people who were racist towards Latino immigrants. There were these conservative people who inferred that Latinos were responsible for the illegal drugs problems in the US and that preventing immigrants from entering the country would help solve the problem.”
Feeling Awful “The comments made me feel very bad as the vast majority of Latino immigrants are nice and normal people and being blamed for the drugs problems is disheartening to such people. Bias causes people to say such things.”


“I feel out of place or unwanted when people throw such comments around.”

Satisfactory Government Protection “The state and federal governments have been doing great in protecting immigrants from assault or insult from racists anti-immigration groups.”
Satisfactory Societal Protection “Like I said, many Americans are nice and supportive people and I have witnessed many people opposing racism in the country.”
Protection Improvement “…there is still room for improving.”


“I don’t know whether that is the case with cases that lack publicity. Such cases need to be investigated and settled as fast as the ones that have huge publicity.”





Cooper, S., & Endacott, R. (2007). Generic qualitative research: a design for qualitative research in emergency care?. Emergency Medicine Journal, 24(12), 816-819. doi: 10.1136/emj.2007.050641

Gale, N. K., Heath, G., Cameron, E., Rashid, S., & Redwood, S. (2013). Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research. BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 117.

Patton, M.Q. (2014). Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods: Integrating Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications