Death Penalty

The American justice system has been characterized by several cases of bias throughout the period. It is a system that was established to serve the interest of the dominant and therefore, the justice system was meant to help white communities since its establishment racial discrimination is one of the factors that have affected the administration of justice. The death penalty has been a collective judgment that has proven to be among the most biased cases in the country.   Further evaluation of the facts reveals that it has been biased towards the African Americans who experience high rates of death penalties. This discussion is there for a combination of literature reviews of the various death penalties which have been characterized by biasness.

Dambrun, 2007, in his article, has established the relationship that exists between Racial prejudice and support for the death penalties across the USA. There are several factors that he points out to be the leading cause of racial discrimination in the administration of justice. One of them is social dominance. According to this theory, it is natural for a society to develop a feeling of inequality towards other people.  It explains the reasons for the increased biasness in the court system, where the white judges establish racial discrimination. His study made various observations on racial prejudice. One of that observation is that the prejudice it is driven from the phylogenetic punitive bias hypothesis which indicates that prejudiced people support the death penalty to punish other individuals who belong to different ethnic or minority group (Dambrun, 2007). The second observation was based on authoritarianism that alters the relationship between SDP and racial prejudice.  It is therefore clear that an analysis of the non-criminal cases is based on ethnic and authoritarianism as a means of serving justice to those in power.

Thesupport of the death penalty in the American course in cases of capital offenses revealsa biased decision. Theresearch, therefore, investigates the various wants through which the racial incitement in the claims is inthe display of most America cases. The fact that the judicial system is white dominated makes it difficult t for the black communities to have fair trials. The number of black Americans in the justice system is still based on the hatred that exists in the case of making decisions based on the juries and judges incitement toward the favor of the blackcommunity. Theincrease deathpenalty, however, in the American courts is a factor that still becomes an issue of e this and belief of the society. This article, therefore, links the support forthe deathpenalty to the court is based on the fact that there is a great deal with the increased hatred in the society and the desire to punish the blacks for the freedom they enjoy. This hatred affects all sectors of life regardless of the level of education. It is also familiar to theforming of cases against the black communitieswhich sometimes are fabricated and do not deserve justice to the Americans.

Lynch and Haney 2000 investigate the significant sources of discrimination sources in the court system in the USA.  The instructional incompletion of capital punishment is so much biased. In this case, the various ways of analyzing a situation and the basis of, making a decision is a leading cause for one-sided death penalties. The comprehension problems are always attributed to legalistic language and convolution of the instruments. Their centrality to the administration of justice is the leading cause of the death penalty biasness in the USA. According to him, the use of complex languages in analyzing the case is the primary lead to biasness (Lynch & Haney, 2000). This, therefore, reveals the increased biasedness is b based on inconsistency in the application of laws and the inability to identify the correct caused to use against a suspect. It is for this reason that the justice system of the country has not been applied in a better way and it continues to be biased towards death penalty cases.

Lynch also linksthegeneral society that has criminalized the black community and associated them with thehigh rate of drugtraffickingand cases of homicides.  This factor is, therefore, a formed opinion that does not reflect the truth in the American system this belief isextended to the courts which do not investigate on the cases since the form opinion on the black community make them natural convict once they are presented in the courts. Moreover, the high level of poverty among blacks is also a strong link to why they do not get justice in cases of capital offenses. In this case, theirinability to afford lawyers to argue their cases make them have no options in the court which convict them to the death penalty than the white a. It is for this reason that the blacks still become the leading in the conviction to the death penalty than their white. Thebiasedpolice, who are also strong supportersof capitalpunishment, has been known to fabricate cases against the black and handle them with brutality.

Paternoster, 1983investigates the various cases that involve the death penalties in the USA.It reveals the reason for the invalidation of the death sentences by the supreme court of South California. The objective of this article is to investigatethe role of racial discrimination in the death penalty cases in the California state and the entire USA. Theresearch revealsthat the process of death penalties in a case is based on unconstitutional decisions and therefore led to the rejection of invalidation of death penalties that were in California.Thereview of most cases revealsthat led to the death penalty in California as compared to the same situation in other courts show that the courts in California in the capital offenses received heavy punishment than those cases in different regions of the world. Thereview also confirmed the influence of racial discrimination in the decision of capital punishmentwhich therefore had to be invalidated to ensure that there is justice in the system.The article further reviews the homicide acts and therefore analyzes how I have been used in the state. Thefindings of the report revealthat the race of an individual has always been an essential factor in the determination of the cases in the country. It furthershows that the black race has always been in the receiving end with many death penalties which are unconstitutionally directed towards them. This articlealso links theincreasing cases of support to the death penalty to be as a result of the favor which they get from thejudicial system. The California court has instances where the whites caton interact freely with the judges and influence the decisions of the cases based on their political and social inclement of such individuals.  There is no way of measuring the weight of the evidence to balance the whites and blacks.  Thearticle, therefore, concludes that the death penalties and other capital-based that are made towardthe blackcomminutes needto be evaluated to save the wrong decision that was based on racial discrimination among the blackcommunity

Young, 1992 talks about religious involvement on the influence of the death penalty.  It investigates the impact of religious faith in support of the death penalty and the general alignment of races towards the religion density. America is a Judeo-Christianity ethnic which takes the issue of the sanctity of life and the role of the state in maintainingthe sanity of the society. It also exploits the concept of religion and social attitude. The social position of American is based on local lifestyle and therefore isnot controlled by religiousbeliefs especially in the issue about the views of the society.Eventhoughthe concept of religious attitude towards the death penalty has been ignored in American culture, numerous studies have linked the religion as the leading cause of the social position.The article therefore investigates the various components that make a court choose death penalty on the influence of racism, religion andother socialinfluences for death penalty.The investigation of the importance of race and faith in Americansociety is evident. Whites are more likely to support death penaltyhand blacks.

Moreover, a comparison between Afro-Americanreligion and white American religion reveal that white faiths are more likely to support the deathpenalty thanthe Afro American faiths. The research result shows that there the white-dominated states have a high rate of death penuries than the black dominated society. The death penalties affect the black community, and the cases tend to be biased towards the attitudes of the white population.   A further finding reveals a stronglinked in religion fight against the death penalties based on the races and beliefs. The whitereligion has little effort in the weight while the Afro American religion hasbeen in the leading in the fightagainstthe unfair death penalties in the coreof America.

The religious and racial conflict in America is based on the distinct beliefs that exist in society. It is based on the history of America that was basedon the ruled and the follows. This, therefore, makes it difficult for the community to uniformly agree on the deathpenaltycasessince the white race and the white inclined rate view the black race as that they do not measure.  It is for this reason that their claims arehandled with brutality and the convictions become brutal towards them. Theacceptance of such capital punishment is always meantto revengeagainst the black due to the positions to control the instrument of power and the justice service system in the country. Thisiscommon in most courts and th4 death penalties in the American court system

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