Descriptive Paragraphs


With my eyes keen on the last bite, I dipped the silvery spoon into the bowl of yummy potato. With three consecutive dips, I deposited huge chunks of potato and felt as they melted against the warmth of my mouth. Eager not to lose track of count, I dipped the spoon in the hot stew and transferred the same into my watery mouth.  As soon as the two foods mixed, a feeling of contrast engulfed my tongue as if confused on what taste to record. The taste of the food was nothing short of sumptuous and reflected the feeling of sweet wine. As I took consecutive bites, I couldn’t help but imagine the sweet taste that my sister missed.


As we traversed the desert expanse, each of us riding a different camel, the strong winds blew against our faces. The contact between the wind and our bodies resulted into a caressing feeling. As the wind blew against the dark silky hair that characterized my head, I was lost in the moment and felt like I had touched my destiny. In this moment, the hair was blown against the direction of the window painting an image of resistance to nature. Meanwhile, my friend, adorning a bald head, had no troubles with the contact as it felt like a massage. However, pebbles trapped in the wind, rested on his head resulting into pounding effects.


The sweet smell of perfume lingers in the air as she walks nearer to me evoking a shot of adrenaline right to my heart. As the direction of the sweet smell is unearthed, silence breaks down around me. It is almost as if the autumn leaves have stopped their scudding along the neat path. Immediately, she steps up from behind the floral path in her silky blouse and linen skirt with a permanent smile on her face. As she steps nearer, the smell of perfume from her body is overwhelming to the point of almost suffocating me. The smell feels like an intoxication of poisonous gases combined for a single purpose.


Standing parallel to the flow of the river, the Amazon waterfall drizzled onto the underneath rocks to produce an aquarium blue color. Below the surface, the continuous flow of water produced a pounding on the adjacent rocks resulting into a defeating sound. In perfectly time alternations, large masses of flowing water would gush over the rocks complimented by the sound of crickets. Some few meters away, frogs in the swampy water produced a croaking sound perhaps to register their presence. The combined croaking of frogs and chirping of birds added to the wonderful sounds of a perfect morning.


Elaine adjusted the straps of her solitary blue velvet dress, exposing her silky and smooth hair that resembled an Asian princess. With a single stroke of magic, she removed a blade of grass that had stuck in her six inch heels as she opened the magnificent door. As she clutched onto the knob of the Whispers Club door, her hand tightly held to her purse, she symbolically prompted her future. The sight of the club opened up to the huge array of whiskeys aligned against the cupboards next to the perfectly arranged packets of different cigarette brands. Across the room, four well-built men were mopping the floor, their eyes now fixated on the walking beauty.

Part Two

English and Chinese languages have contrasting features related to writing. Indeed, the differences present difficulties among Chinese natives learning how to write in English. Such is the case that has happened to me in my course of studying in Canada where English is used as the main language of writing. While English writing is focused on structure, Chinese native writing is based on meaning. In this regard, English writing can use a very long sentence and still remain simple in understanding. However, Chinese writing is complicated by the use of long sentences resulting in misunderstandings. Also, the English language is perfectly used in the passive voice and still communicates a similar meaning when applied. On the other hand, the writing of Chinese natives is strictly confined to the active voice.

There are immense differences between English and Chinese writings in relation to their different applications. The Chinese language is rich in idioms and short four character expressions and is geared towards the expression of subjects and objects in a vivid, compact and lively fashion. In contrast, English writing rarely uses a rich array of idioms or short expressions to communicate different situations. The language of English tends to use a more specific and direct approach thereby limiting the use of idioms in the text. Another source of difference between the two forms of writing is in the use of nouns in sentence structures. While Chinese writing is mainly focused on concrete nouns, English writing is largely based on the use of abstract nouns. This difference can be traced in Chinese tradition that interprets humans as a microcosm within a wider macrocosm of nature. Consequently, most of the abstract terms are expressed in the language through concrete objects from the natural world.

Still, the use of words in expressing different meanings provides a source of difference between Chinese and English writings. In English writing, for instance, words are continually omitted to avoid recurrences and redundancy in the expression of meaning. In addition, the omission of repeated words in English writing is geared towards making the sentences simpler and shorter. On the other hand, the Chinese form of writing allows for the repetition of words and their omission is not based on redundancy. Normally, Chinese writing encourages repetition of words to give the reader more clarity on the subject of discussion. Also, English has its emphasis on the first part of the sentence as opposed to the emphasis put on the last part of the sentence in Chinese writing. In particular, the difference is apparent in sentences that include logic and the drawing of conclusions. In English, the conclusion is described first followed by the facts and arguments. On the other hand, Chinese writing starts with the arguments before a conclusion is made.

Although both English and Chinese forms of writing have similarities in their communication and applicability, they have significant differences. Indeed, the two languages have numerous contrasting features related to writing thus presenting differences in learning of one language by natives of the other. The differences range from sentence structure to the omission of repeated words in sentences. Also, the type of nouns used, short idioms and expressions as well as passive and active voice present differences in the two writings. Ultimately, therefore, Chinese and English languages have sharp differences despite the evidence of similarities.



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