Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination in the workplace encompasses situations when employers treat or propose to treat their employees or potential employees unfavorably. Employees are usually discriminated because of their personal traits that are protected by the law (Lau, & Johnson, 2011). Discrimination in the workplace has evolved due to changes in people’s attitude and social customs; hence giving rise to the need for the government to pass new laws. Individuals have raised complaints about how they have been discriminated with regards to race, nationality, age, gender, marital status, religion, political opinion, and physical or mental disability (Lau, & Johnson, 2011). Reports depict that there are continuing high cases of workplace discrimination even after the federal government passed laws against discrimination. Similarly, the study shows that gay and transgender employees face high rates of workplace discrimination (Miller, & Hollowell, 2011).

It is to the interest of both employers and workers to address this issue. Discrimination is something that is being practiced by many organizations, and any employee can be a victim. Therefore, it is better to address it before it gains momentum. For many years, discrimination in the workplace has been a major problem for the most employee. Moreover, employers have failed to take the necessary steps to prevent discrimination in their institutions, and this has propelled the issue. It is critical for my audience to understand that discrimination is a disease that needs to be treated (Miller, & Hollowell, 2011). Practicing discrimination can only break relationships, peace, and reputation of the organization. Therefore, preventing and solving issues about discrimination starts with an individual. It is important if employers carry out their operations such as recruitment, training, promotions and demotions in a fair manner.

I am a professional accountant in one of the leading organizations in the country. Workplace discrimination has been one of the major problems our organization has ever faced. It is something that has caused many employees lose their jobs and others have feared to apply for the available vacancies. However, the research questions for this particular issue include the following. First, do organizations discriminate women more than men? Second, what personal traits do organizations mostly use to discriminate its employees? Third, what should organizations do to prevent workplace discrimination? Ultimately, I disagree with the idea of practicing discrimination in the workplace. I will maintain my stand and support the campaign against discrimination in the workplace. Courts should prosecute all employers who practice discrimination in the workplace.




Lau, T., & Johnson, L. (2011). The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business. Irvington, NY: Flat World Knowledge

Miller, R. L. R., & Hollowell, W. E. (2011). Business law: Text & exercises. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.