Documentary:“Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1”


Over the years documentary films have taken a key element in influencing mass audiences, particularly about social themes, and important social issues. The documentary Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 is not any different. The producers of the documentary present the life of veterans in a way that makes the viewer perceive their lives firsthand. Through the documentary, the society gets an understanding of the flipside life of a veteran and in the process makes the society understand the important role that documentaries play in making serious social issues understandable to the ordinary citizen.

How Documentary Films Help Us Understand Serious Issues

Documentaries play an important role in the society, it mainly achievesthis throughmaking people get firsthand experience of particular social issues that affect the society. First, documentarieslend the ability to see timely issues in need of attention.That is, they help society see cinematic views of the worldwhich put before the societycurrent events and social issues, chronic social problems as well as probable solutions. The link between documentary films and the historical world is profound and deep-seated.They engage with the world by representing it, and offering a likeness or representation of a world that carries a noticeable familiarity. We see in documentaries people places and things that we might also see for ourselves outside cinema.

Documentaries also help society understand how other people experience situations and events that fall into familiar categories such as family life, healthcare, sexual orientation, social justice and so on. They offer an orientation to the experience of others and by extension, to the social practices we share with them.Rather than entertain, documentary films possess more profound ideas and contribute more significantly to the society. Documentaries enhance human understanding and increase the society’s knowledge of the issues confronting the society on a day to day. For example, “Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1” helps us understand the sacrifice the men and women of the army are making, and makes us aware that the struggle does not end when they come back. It is a continuous battle that unless you were in the army, or watched the documentary one wouldnot be in a position to understand.


Filmmaking is a powerful medium and it isimperativethat makers of documentaries continue to use them to address social issues, push meaningful agendas and more.They areimportant mediums for change available since they have the ability to address serious and important issues.For example, “Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1” is very touching, it makes us appreciate the sacrifice the men and women of the army make, and understand thatthe struggle does not end when they come back. Hopefully the documentary will help get subventions to open additional call centers andmore support for vets.



Youtube: ShortsTV – The Short Movie Channel. (2015). Oscar Nominated Short Films 2015: ‘CRISIS HOTLINE: VETERANS PRESS 1. Retrieved from Youtube:

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