Effects of Mindfulness on Decision Making for a Doctor

Effects of Mindfulness on Decision Making for a Doctor

The human body is designed to perceive every situation depending on the current state of mind and the agency. Mindfulness, which may be defined as the quality of being aware of certain things, is a significant factor to consider in any working environment as it greatly influences the level of concentration among workers. For maximum strength to be achieved, one has to maintain perfect coordination between body and mind, which is the basis of mindfulness. Mindfulness is needed for the maintenance of concentration among employees, which increases the level of performances; hence; the increased work success (Burgess, Beach, & Saha, 2017). Furthermore, the concept of mindfulness is applicable in nearly every professional field including healthcare, psychology, and medicine.

Several types of research have highlighted some of the confirmed benefits of mindfulness to professionals such as healthcare and psychology. Doctors have the role to carefully assess patients to provide an accurate diagnosis of a particular infection explicitly. The main factor to consider to meet the functions of a doctor is a transparent state of the mind that can be achieved through various mindful exercises such as meditation and breathing in and out (Fernando, Skinner, & Consedine, 2017). Performing such activities assist in getting rid of accumulated stress and fatigue in the body that may cause a reduction in concentration levels. Psychologist also suggests mindfulness as one of the methods of reducing psychologies disorders such as stress disorders. Therefore, psychological doctors would use this approach in helping their clients.

Mindfulness has a significant contribution to the way doctors make healthcare-related decisions and the general management of healthcare facilities. Doctors have various roles apart from diagnosis and treating infections, but they are responsible for a wider variety of services related to human well-being. Therefore, decisions made by any doctor in the healthcare profession should be as perfect as possible due to their direct influences on human lives. As a result, it is imperative to maintain positive mindfulness that would work to annul all the effects caused by fatigue and stress to enable the doctor to make sensible decisions related to healthcare. The state of being aware of everything in the healthcare sector will help the doctor in making an informed decision about various medical conditions, which would, in turn, improve the quality of health services offered.

Besides, it is important to note that doctors also play leadership roles in healthcare facilities and hospitals. As a result, there a need to make informed managerial decisions that would ensure the prosperity of a particular health facility (Burgess, Beach, & Saha, 2017). Attaining the required good choices in the healthcare set up calls for mindfulness, which dictates the level of validity and applicability of an idea generated by the particular doctor. The thoughts and decisions reached when the mind is at a conscious state usually result in great achievements that in turn, leads to prosperity of medical professionals.

Lastly, mindfulness is vital in enhancing teamwork among medical professionals working under the same medical facility. In most cases, doctors of the same caliber may be working in a general hospital, which implies a thorough consultation from the workmates before validating any decision related to the profession. Achieving this requires a high level of respect and teamwork, which can be promoted through mindfulness in the workplace.







Burgess, D. J., Beach, M. C., & Saha, S. (2017). Mindfulness practice: A promising approach to reducing the effects of clinician implicit bias on patients. Patient education and counseling100(2), 372-376.

Fernando, A. T., Skinner, K., & Consedine, N. S. (2017). Increasing compassion in medical decision-making: can a brief mindfulness intervention help?. Mindfulness8(2), 276-285.

King, A. P. (2019). Mindfulness-Based Workplace Interventions for Wellness Promotion. In Mental Health in the Workplace (pp. 191-208). Springer, Cham.