Ethical and Legal Practices

Managers have the opportunity to lead as an example, supervise, mentor and motivate their employees. The ability of a manager to successfully carry out such operations makes a huge difference to the company’s overall success. However, employees should know that it is against the law to use the company’s assets for their own benefits (Newton, 2014). As a manager I will act as a figurehead and personify the company’s ethical position. Similarly, I will promote the moral values and norms that employees use to make their decisions by behaving in an honest manner and as a leader. However, I will personally demonstrate ethics by not indulging in behaviors such as using the company’s assets for personal reasons.

Esteban’s unethical behavior of using the company’s phone and assets is a vivid indication of exposing the company to potential liability. He is a certified public accountant who has access to the company’s confidential information. It is unethical for him to use the company’s assets for personal gains. Similarly, he might misbehave and thus resulting to customers filing claims for damages caused by the employee. The business assets when used inappropriately will create a substantial risk of liability (Newton, 2014). It will open the company to potential claims and lawsuits. Therefore, Esteban should not perform non-company work during working hours and also on the company’s building. Besides, he should not use the company’s assets such as phones, laser printer and computer for his personal benefits. The law governing business resources states that company’s assets are only used for legitimate business operations and the employee will be committing an offence if he/she uses the business assets for personal benefit.



Newton, L. H. (2014). Business ethics in the social context: Law, profits, and the evolving moral practice of business. Cham: Springer.