Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence Summary

Evidence-based practice is quickly becoming a practice that is a next an integral part of healthcare. The entire community of healthcare has recommended it as one of the most effective means of improving the existing conditions in the organization. It is defined as the explicit use of decisions of evidence concerning care for individual patients. It uses the practicality of the nurses to give quality healthcare to the patients. Evidence-based practice can be applied in numerous sections and departments of healthcare. One of the levels that require the extensive use of evidence-based practice is the intervention that can improve the delivery of quality healthcare. From this perspective, nseveral initiatives can be done by the senior members of the health care organization to improve quality of service delivery and patient care. Professional training and development are the other the proposals that have been made by many healthcare practitioners who are concerned about the quality of service delivery. Several nurses have a general knowledge of treatment admission. However, due to the changes that take place in health care, it is important to provide professional training for the nurses so that they can improve numerous aspects of life, including patient care. As technological advancements continue, healthcare is one of the sectors that has been affected the most. Numerous technological innovations are incorporated successfully every year. These innovations have improved the general healthcare admission to the patients. By offering nurses and other health care practitioners training on technology use, it becomes easier for them to implement the changes that are needed in healthcare. There are a lot of changes that should take place in healthcare to improve the quality of service delivery. In-service training has proven to be indispensable as it improves the quality of inpatient care. As a result, there is a need to enhance the effectiveness of the nurse’s training as it is an inevitable aspect of quality. Empowering the nurses through education is one of the new models that can be applied through evidence-based practice. This will require training programs given to the nurses as well as the junior employees. Nonetheless, there are numerous barriers such as the lack of resources that also have to be taken into consideration. This makes it difficult to implement the necessary changes. One of the most critical issues is to guarantee success, thereby making the main stakeholders convinced about the evidence-based practice.  Training is as necessary as it gives the nurses an opportunity to look for higher positions within the nursing industry. Professional improvement also has ethical issues such as honesty and care that have to be taken into consideration.





Evidence-Based Practice Recommendation

The current nursing practices that need a change

Within my healthcare setting environment, the current nursing practices that require a change include leadership patient care, transformation leadership, and evidence-based management. Most of the problems are created by the lack of changes in the nursing industry. These changes include the application of the new inventions in nurse care, technological changes and leadership. Because of the continuous changes in technology, the nursing profession has to evolve with the changes and keep up with them. These changes require training of employees. To create a perfect working environment for the nurse and one that provided maximum patient safety needs changes. Nursing staffs and professional development is important as it improves the performance in an organization. High performing healthcare institutions give massive importance and recognition to professional development to keep up with the innovations within the nursing profession. There is lifelong importance for continuous learning and improvement especially for the nurses who aim at improving patient care and population health. Many organizations in the continent of healthcare are continuously recognizing the effect of nurse competency as well as patient recognition and health care outcomes being the bottom line of a successful institution. Nurses also have to participate in professional development by their careers increasingly and consider the learning process as part of the environment. It is a change that has to be implemented for a permanent improvement in the profession. The main factors that drive the healthcare transformations involve the fragmentations, problem assessment and the costs that can not be sustained. The patient outcomes and disparities are also the driving forces that are important.

Reasons for change

There are several reasons why these healthcare practices need changes. One of them is that the continuous innovations of technology and the application of new devices in healthcare practice are meant to improve patient outcomes. By providing education and professional training to the existing nurses, it makes it easy to implement this technology qualification. Also, organizations have recognized the importance of professional development as it improves patient care and healthcare outcomes. Many organizations have to see the satisfaction and competency displayed by nurses who undergo continuous professional development and training. It is therefore important for organizations to prioritize professional development for the nurses across all stages of their careers.


the key stakeholders for the change


Within the current nursing practice, several key stakeholders have to be part of the professional development for the nurse and there training. The primary stakeholders include the government, the nursing institutions, the management of the nurses, and healthcare organizations and the nongovernmental organizations.

Roles played by the key stakeholder

All these people have a role to play in professional development and training for the nurses. When it comes to the government, they are the people who are in charge of the staffing and other performance of the nurses. It is their role as stakeholders to ensure that their masses are given the necessary resources for their training to take place. The government also has a role to play in designing the procedures that can use within the training. They can sponsor professional trainers and people who come to develop the nurses professionally. Healthcare institutions have a massive role to play as key stakeholders in nursing development and training. These institutions have to make recommendations to the relevant authority to allow the nurse to undergo professional development. These institutions also have to give frameworks and guidelines that can allow nurses to develop to improve patient outcomes. Management within the hospital or any healthcare institution also have to recommend patient care and professional development for the nurses continuously. It is important that they prioritize development in all the nurse career stages including the new graduates and other seasoned veterans. Longtime hired gnosis also have to be trained as they are a crucial part of an institution.

evidence critique table

Evidence critique Evidence Strength (1-7) and Evidence Hierarchy
1 Anstey, S., Powell, T., Coles, B., Hale, R., & Gould, D. (2016). Education and training to enhance end-of-life care for nursing home staff: a systematic literature review. BMJ Supportive & palliative care6(3), 353-361.


1 and Systematic review
2. Smythe, A., Jenkins, C., Galant-Miecznikowska, M., Bentham, P., & Oyebode, J. (2017). A qualitative study is investigating the training requirements of nurses working with people with dementia in nursing homes. Nurse education today50, 119-123.


 1-and systematic review
3. Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare transformation and changing roles for nursing. Orthopedic nursing36(1), 12.


 1 and journal
4. Simmons, S. F., Hollingsworth, E. K., Long, E. A., Liu, X., Shotwell, M. S., Keeler, E., … & Silver, H. J. (2017). Training Nonnursing Staff to Assist with Nutritional Care Delivery in Nursing Homes: A Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society65(2), 313-322.


 1 and systematic review
5. Berglund, C. (2019). Nursing Staff Development for Novice Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care.


 1 and journal article

Evidence-based summery
All these sources used are supporting the evidence-based practice that have been given.according to (Anstey et al., 2016), organizations that are high performing recognize how important it is for the nurses and employees to get involved in professional development. For the nurses, this is a crucial element in patient care. Numerous nurses are suffering from nurse burnout. Urban outcomes as a result of excessive work due to a shortage of nurses and many patients who require attention from businesses. According to Smythe, et al., 2017), by offering training and professional development, the time that is used to attend for the patients can be reduced thereby limiting the number of hours used by the nurses. Consequently, the nurses do not have to suffer from burnouts because they take limited time to attend. Nurse burnout also leads to nurse shortage as many nurses resign from too much work. Having an organized professional development program allows centralization and provision of quality standards. Because of you, it is important to allocate different resources that can allow health care practitioners to experience a lifetime learning. The learning process you never and for nursing practitioners because the development in research usually proves new and advanced methods of patient outcomes. Dedicating personnel and assigning responsibilities to access professional development allows nursing staff to locate resources that can help in achieving their goals (Salmond, and  Echevarria, 2017). Achieving the goals in a professional health institution involve having people who are not only dedicated but also skilled in the best possible way. Healthcare organization, therefore, continue to vary in their abilities to allocate resources. It is this reason that the stakeholders play an important role in professional development. Individuals who serve as practitioners should have the ability to remind the leaders of an organization of the importance in staff development. This includes convincing them on the initiatives and new methods of serving the clients (Simmons et al., 2017). Successful professional development initiatives involved preparation with the senior leaders and the junior members of staff. Professional development practitioner identifies the need to train professional nurses to improve on the output continuously. It also reduces the possibility of having a burnout in an organization. These studies identify the strategic goals of an organization. Burnout reserves to a shortage of nurses which is a major problem in many health institutions. People are continuously becoming sick, and they have no one to attach to them. It is important that nurses maintain their positions in health institutions to avail themselves and attend to their patients. If the necessary few, it becomes difficult for those who are available as we have to work extra time to fill in for those who are not available. Through offering professional training, the nurses can have adequate time to attend to the patient and also other activities (Berglund, 2019). Evidence-based practice shows how crucial it is to have staff members who are continuously developing from a professional perspective. The nursing phases involve e different forms of development., the first experience matters. However, it is important to develop the experience as they take more time with the patients. The perception of newly hired nurses is that they are exposed to more risks and that they have skills that are not proven. The competency of the nurses also depends on the personality and the traits and their ability to satisfy their patients. It is this reason therefore why motivation is key to the excellent performance of the nurses. Motivation in professional nursing practice comes with training. Through constant innovations and the training, it becomes easier for companies you have excellent output from the employees. The same applies to nurses who develop their computers through professional training. Healthcare organizations also can promote a high level of clinical engagement through learning opportunities that are given to grow their skills and reinforce your professionalism. Through collaboration, the nurses can take an approach of commitment to a continuously skilled workforce.


recommendation for the specific practices

Nursing professional development has a key role to play in society as it ensures that there is an improvement in the quality of service offered to the patients. The other role is that it place is career satisfaction that it gives the nurses. When the nurses are satisfied in their jobs, they are likely to take longer, and they cannot resign from their employment. This gives an additional perspective to the nurses who are continuously suffering from burnout and having to look for early retirement. The early retirement is a disadvantage to many health care institutions who have to attend to the continuously increasing population of the number of patients. This means that the remainder of the nurses have to attend to the majority of the patients while their masses are not enough. H2o. If the nurses are satisfied, it becomes easier for them to maintained a working position and remain in their jobs. Apart from the career satisfaction, training for the employees can act as a leeway to the leaders of tomorrow. Every institution needs leaders who can work by the other members of the organization to the right path. The best way to have a leader is for the gradual progress of the nurses from the junior membership to the senior positions. This makes it easier to deal with the union close as the nurses have undergone through the same processes. Having a manager from nurses from the same experienced it service delivery can also improve on the quality of service that the patients get. To get to the senior membership position, the nurses have qualified through great education and training.

change models


From the evidence summary, there are specific change models and practices that can be recommended. The first practice is for organizations to continuously reimburse the nurses so that they can develop professionally and improve on service delivery. This will come as a result of support that they get from the senior employees and management stuff. It is important that this practice is incorporated in the daily workings of a nurse so that the other practices cannot be affected. The other specific practice is training on new technological innovations. The medical profession is a sector that improves research and disease management every day. As a result, technology is a massive part of the changes and these innovations. Because of this reason, it is important to have specific practices on training for the nurses and other healthcare practitioners. Training on technology and other innovations such as telehealth our data management can help improve patient outcomes and service delivery. This can be a huge factor in deciding with an organization to become successful or not. Healthcare organizations can also promote their workforce engagement by giving learning opportunities so that these professionals can foster itheir growth individually.

the justification for the change model

This model can be justified in many ways. Taking this approach can help them improve service delivery in general. The other practice that is specific to nursing is tuition reimbursement that is applied in nursing education. There are several guidelines to the specific models that are used. This can be done by offering doctorate training more masters in nursing practice. Through encouraging the participation of nursing association both local and national level, it becomes easier for the nurses to improve on the general knowledge and interdisciplinary awareness. Accessing reviews on evidence-based practice is the other practice that should be targeted by healthcare organizations. Nurses have to be given opportunities that are equal in their early career as well as those who are in the lead careers. Leadership development is important as it gives self-direction to individual interests.



There are several barriers to the successful implementation of the proposals made here. Training and development require numerous resources and will from there the senior members of the nursing staff. In most cases, these resources are not available and cannot be successfully acquired. This is a massive barrier especially to training that may require sponsorship or large investments. In most cases, senior management staff without support training or professional development of the nurses due to the limited resources. Even if they are nongovernmental organizations who can sponsor the nurses to continue their practice and training, it may be difficult to implement in many institutions.

The other potential barrier to the implementation of this proposal is the resistance from the senior members of the employees. Having to implement a change in an institution requires several initiatives that may not be agreed upon by the most important members of the organization. Not many people like changes as they fear of interfering with their structures. As a result, the resistance from the members and other senior employees can be a potential barrier in employing this strategy of tracking the performance. The lack of basic knowledge from the nurses can also be a potential barrier to having a successful advancement in training. Technological advancement may require basic knowledge that the nurses may not have. This becomes a potential barrier if the employees have to assess the basics of technology. Where the potential barrier is there a shortage of nurses that may make it difficult for the available nurses to take the available training, as their hospitals and healthcare institutions have to operate and attend to their patients continuously, it may be difficult to implement the changes since there will be limited people who are attending to the remaining patients.

ethical considerations

Ethical issues are part of everyday life. In healthcare, ethical ideas are part of every day and counting. There are numerous morals principles including fairness, honesty and doing the right thing as well as respecting anonymity of the patients that have to be respected in every institution. When it comes to evidence-based practice, it is important to consider ethical issues as they are also concerned for the patients at the nurses. When it comes to patients that are encountered during the evidence-based practice, have to be given equal concern two people that are around him or her. The patients must be treated equally especially when it comes to training and application of their proposals. Fairness is a key ethical issue that is driven by accountability and convenient. The information that is received by healthcare professionals who focus on evidence-based practice has to acknowledge professionalism. Morality is an obligation for the nurses is applied as they have to ensure that they have made the right decisions. The most important this is to maintain ethical standards in nursing practice. It is important to recognize the value of encouragement for the practitioners 12 them assume their responsibilities. During treatment, it is important that the nurses share their full information with their people have they are tending to. Ethical dilemmas are a natural part of the healthcare institution, and therefore they have to be handled with care. Model professionalism is a concern when it comes to the danger of not attending to a patient. Evidence-based practice gives clear limitations, especially within occupational therapy and rehabilitation. The limitations act as obstacles and make their practices that have been proposed sometimes difficult. They are also influenced by the research that is done by the proposers of the evidence-based practice.



Anstey, S., Powell, T., Coles, B., Hale, R., & Gould, D. (2016). Education and training to enhance end-of-life care for nursing home staff: a systematic literature review. BMJ Supportive & palliative care, 6(3), 353-361. (https://spcare.bmj.com/content/6/3/353)

Smythe, A., Jenkins, C., Galant-Miecznikowska, M., Bentham, P., & Oyebode, J. (2017). A qualitative study was investigating the training requirements of nurses working with people with dementia in nursing homes. Nurse education today, 50, 119-123.


  1. Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare transformation and changing roles for nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12.


  1. Simmons, S. F., Hollingsworth, E. K., Long, E. A., Liu, X., Shotwell, M. S., Keeler, E., … & Silver, H. J. (2017). Training Nonnursing Staff to Assist with Nutritional Care Delivery in Nursing Homes: A Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65(2), 313-322.



  1. Berglund, C. (2019). Nursing Staff Development for Novice Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care. (https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7681&context=dissertations)