This report provides information on the current national data for Minnesota under the Healthy People 2020 objective for physical activity. The population in Minnesota experiences limited physical activity thus are unable to improve their health, fitness, and quality of life. The 2011 report by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System indicated that 20%-25% of the population in Minnesota fulfill aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines (CDC, 2016). According to the report by Blue Cross Shield, children living in low incomes areas are 50% less likely to have a rec center in their neighborhood (Center for Prevention, n.d.). Similarly, the report indicates that if outdoor schoolyards are kept open publicly, the rate at which children play increases by 84% (Center for Prevention, n.d.). Individuals living in a safer neighborhood and have trails nearby are more likely to meet the guidelines of physical activity by 50% (Center for Prevention, n.d.). Further investigation indicates that dangerous traffic patterns, lack of sidewalks and crosswalks discourage people from participating in physical activity.

The existence of different types of physical activity in an area improves the health and quality of life. Besides, the statistics of the findings on physical activity in Minnesota are disturbing; therefore, the report concluded that people of Minnesota would improve their health, fitness, and quality of life if areas they live and work are designed to accommodate all types of physical activity. The availability of recreation centers, bikes, playgrounds and walking trails encourages people to engage in physical activity. The recommendations discussed include the following. First, residents of Minnesota should make use of initiatives such as Safe Routes to School and Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) to have a healthy living. Second, residents of Minnesota should have all types of physical activity in areas they live and work.



Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. (2016). Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends, and Maps Minnesota.  Retrieved from https://nccd.cdc.gov/NPAO_DTM/LocationSummary.aspx?statecode=90

Center for Prevention (n.d.).  Access to parks, trails, sidewalks, and bike lanes help make physical activity part of daily life.  Blue Cross Blue Shield Minnesota.  Retrieved from http://www.centerforpreventionmn.com/what-we-do/our-focus-areas/physical-activity



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