Executive VBP Summary

C1. Most Pertinent Components.

A clear strategy is required to move from fee-for-service to value-based purchasing, and this involves the recognition of the critical VBP components. Departmental leaders and key stakeholders are determinants to successful VBP program implementation. VBP system has vital elements that organisation should embrace such as collecting of information measurement and reporting of performance, incentivising healthcare providers on performance, design of reward system to enable selection of high-quality services for improved wellness and care system etc. (Ryan, Sutton & Doran 2014).

C2. Implementation Preparation.

The departments selected for the implementation of the VBP program needs adequate preparation for the three-year implementation of the VBP plan. The departments chosen for our organisation include HR, medical and administration. To achieve the goals the departments should work jointly for the effective implementation of the program in the next three years. Furthermore, the departments are interdependent in the sense that no single departments can realise goals without the other. For example, the human resource departments should hire the most efficient individuals into the medical department for quality and competent delivery of clinical services to the patient. Failure of HR coordinating with medical department to understand the type of skills required in specific specialised area it may result in wastage of resources to hire irrelevant human resources. The hiring of a human resource should be in tandem with the VBP program.  Again, the administration departments supervise and coordinate all activities in the forganization. Therefore the admin role cuts across both medical and HR departments. The medical department conducts proper surveillance, reporting and treatment, and this potentially contributes to measures of improved performance. In summary, the leaders in all the departments must cooperate to make preparation and implementation of VBP programs a success(Koltov & Damle 2014).

C3. Education and Training for VBP Implementation

The staff from the selected departments should undergo training for equipping them with relevant VBP skills. For example, the team should be educated about the incentives and payment policy. The staff should understand the rationale for the change payment policy from fee-for-service to VBP. Notably, any successful organisational change depends on the perception of the team, in the sense if they misunderstand the move, they may resist or sabotage. All the staff should understand that payment will shift to the value an employee brings to the hospital as an organisation. The general staff should be trained on how best to handle patients for a better experience, and this could add value to the organisation. The medical department’s team should understand that through observation to clinical ethics is essential for hospital improved performance. Patient experience in the healthcare facility used to rate the performance of the organisation, therefore patient rights and ethics should be observed for example informed consent, confidentiality etc. The HR staff should undergo training to understand how to attract the best qualified human resource, motivation and retention of most efficient human resource. A human resource dedicated to embracing value-based healthcare. While the admin department should be trained to understand how best to harness and coordinate day-to-day activities towards VBP objectives.

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