Experience Reading the Bible

All through my life, I have been brought up in a Christian family and hence I have had different experiences reading the bible. My experiences with the bible started long before I could read or write as I was committed in Sunday school where our Sunday school teachers would read several verses from the bible. As a result, I came to love the Bible and have been reading it since then. Nevertheless, there is this scripture in the bible that speaks of Jesus walking on water that still lingers in my mind since my Sunday school years. ‘’Early in the morning, Jesus went out to the disciples. He walked on the lake. They saw Him walking on the lake and were terrified. “It’s a ghost!” they said. And they cried out in fear. Right away Jesus called out to them, “Be brave! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Mathew: 14:22-27. This scripture forms a great experience in my life since my childhood days. In the first experience, it was difficult for me to comprehend how a person would walk on water without sinking. But, Jesus walked on water and also invited Peter who was also equally amazed by what he saw from Jesus. “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matt 14: 29-30).

Although Peter also walked some distance on water, he got afraid when the storm came and called on Jesus to save him. In my view, this is a great message of faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ. It is important to note that these happenings were immediately after Jesus had fed a crowd of more than 5000 people with fish and bread (Matthew 14:13-21). It is a clear indication that that walks with Jesus will witness marvelous and will never lack. Peter was able to walk on water like Jesus because he had faith in him.  The trust in Jesus is evident when he calls on Jesus to save him when the storm strikes. Peter needs to be assured that he is going to Christ for him to get courage to walk on water. As a result, one can conclude that no need of fear if we have Christ by our side. The crowd that had come to see Jesus never went back home hungry since Jesus had the power to feed them with only five loaves of bread and two fishes. The experience from these teachings has taught me to be close to Jesus.

Goals of the course

Although I have had major experiences while reading the bible in the past, I feel that learning this course will be of paramount importance in my quest to have a better and deeper meaning of the bible.  All over the years, I have been reading the bible just for the sake of reading it. Nevertheless, I hope that the course will be helpful in enabling frequent reading, interpretation and understanding of the bible. It is important to note that the Bible is not just an obscure book but rather it is a Holy book that should offer guidance to Christian’s life. It is imperative to note that proper understanding and interpretation of the bible will help grasp the plain meaning of the bible and consequently apply and obey its teachings in daily life.

It is also my goal that the course will challenge me to respond wholistically to the message of the bible.  The course requires extensive reading of the bible and the readings will have major effects on my intellect, emotions/desires and actions. Since the bible is the authoritative word of God, it is my hope that the course will be instrumental in shaping my mind, heart and my actions.’’ Are we prepared to allow the Word of God to get in us and make changes and to transform and renew our minds for His glory?’’ (Romans 12). It is my hope that during the course, I will have exposure to controversial issues in the bible that will need possible solutions without being dogmatic. On the same note, the course is expected convict and challenge attitude of the heart. In essence, it is my objective that by the end of the course I will be a totally different person as far as comprehension and interpretation of the bible is concerned.

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