Factors Impacting the Strategic Planning Process

Factors Impacting the Strategic Planning Process

Two real-world problems that need to be dealt with urgently are the eradication of poverty and fight against diseases. In many developing countries people live in abject poverty. There are people in the developed world also who live in poverty. There need to formulate strategies to aid fight poverty. Cooperation between international agencies and governments around the world is key to fighting poverty. The spread of diseases is another serious issue that needs the assistance of international agencies and governments around the globe. Many diseases can be prevented through vaccination, but people continue to suffer due to the lack of resources to supply the vaccines to the needy for free or at a subsidized price. Strategic planning on the international stage can help solve the two severe challenges.

International factors that impact the strategic planning process includes are international cooperation and international funding.  International cooperation is crucial if collaboration regarding strategic planning aimed at solving global problems like poverty and diseases is to be successful. International funding is also needed to finance the strategic planning efforts and implementation of adopted plans. The first step of Bryon’s strategy change cycle involves settling on an initial agreement (Bryson, 2018). Cooperation is critical on working towards coming to an initial agreement. Cooperation is also essential in other steps in the cycle like the formulation and review and adoption of strategies and plans (Bryson, 2018). International organizations like the United Nations (UN) have done a great job in getting nations to cooperate on solving severe global issues. International funding agencies like the World Bank have helped finance key international programs. Strategy management tools and frameworks can be of enormous value in dealing with matters like eradication of diseases and poverty.


Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons