Family Tree Essay

From the family tree I have created, I identified a number of diseases among themembers of my family. The most recurrent is high blood pressure and colon diseases. Among two other members of the family, there are cases of allergic reactionsto various allergens. There are some family members who have asthma and skin allergies. One member of the family also has a heart disease. Another member of the family has osteoporosis while another has asthma. Most of these illnesses have a hereditary connotation and may indicate the likelihood of me developing them in the future.

Diabetes occurs when the body’s blood sugar level is too high. Diabetes occurs when the body fails to produce insulin, hormone required to break down glucose to form energy to power the body. In this instance glucose stays in the body and does not reach the cells. There are two types of diabetes the first type is diabetes mellitus in which the body fails to produce any insulin to break down glucose in the body. The other type of diabetes is diabetes insipidus in which the body over time fails to produce enough insulin to break down sugar. Diabetes does not have a clear hereditary pattern but some people are born susceptible to develop it. Some people develop antibodies that attack cells in the pancreas that detect the presence of sugar and trigger the body to produce insulin. Such predisposing factors are dependent on family history. Changes in the environment and lifestyle have also been linked with diabetes. My family history of diabetes makes me susceptible to contracting the disease. In order to reduce the risk of developing this disease, it is important to be watchful of the things that one eats and the type of lifestyle they lead diabetes is not treatable but it can be controlled. Unmanaged, it is a fatal disease hence the need to protect yourself from it.

Among many of the family members too, there are many cases of allergic reactions. Allergies occur as a result of the body’s immune system reacting to introduction of foreign objects to the body. The body produces antibodies to help fight disease causing organisms. Sometimes, the body identifies substances that are not harmful as harmful and proceeds to make antibodies needlessly. The immune system react differently to different allergens: maybe by theskin getting inflamed; or sinuses; orinflammation in the digestive system. The severity of allergies varies between people. Allergies are also very common in children and in people who have asthma or any other allergic reaction. Heredity is a risk factor for allergies. Additionally, living in an environment that predisposes one to allergens makes the occurrence of allergies all the more likely. I already have allergic reactions to various substance. This is probably on account of the presence of allergic complications in the family. My nieces and nephews have also shown cases of allergic reactions to a number of things. In order to reduce the risk of experiencing the allergies.

One member of the family also has osteoporosis. This is a disease that causes the bones to become weak and brittle so much so that even mild stress like coughing can have adverse effects like fracture. Osteoporosis occurs when the level at which bones are disintegrated is slower than the level at which they are made. There are some risk factors associated with osteoporosis that are beyond the control of the patient. These include the gender of the person in that women stand a greater risk to develop the illness than men. Additionally, the older the person grows, the thinner the bones becomes hence the higher the chances of developing osteoporosis. Heredity may also be a contributing factor towards the disease. Considering the fact that heredity can affect the development of the disease, there is a chance of me developing it. The disease shows in relatives of the first degree and had an early onset. In order to reduce the chances of developing the disease, it is important to keep bones strong and increase the intake of calcium everyday so that the bones develop strong and less likely to stop regenerating.

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