Forensic Sciences

Forensic Sciences


Generally, the advent of scientific discoveries and development significantly influence how humanity views the world. Under criminal law, investigators have employed the use of improved science in an attempt to demystifycrimes and acquire evidencescientifically. Fundamentally, forensic science may be defined as the science of law (Yilwa et al., 2017).The rationale is that it has enabled the gathering and examining evidence through scientific methods. Today, most criminal activities are solved by conducting examinations through taking fingerprints, footprints, blood patterns, and hair strand/fiber samples, handwriting samples, DNA and even tooth bite prints (Lillis et al., 2016). Despite scientific forensic being heralded as the fundamental concept of cracking more complex cases in the world in forensic labs. It is worth noting that evidencecollected through forensic does not conclusively help eradicate criminality and in some cases, it makes the case more complicated. In this regard, this paper will focus on identifying and examining the challenges faced by scientific forensics.


Fundamentally, it is hypothesized that forensic sciences play a critical role in criminality to identify, collect evidence and conduct examination of more complex crimes conclusively. However, forensics is faced with the constant challenges of keeping up with the dynamic technological improvements. It is also hypothesized that the challenges faced by forensic examiners contribute to the rising cases why crimes take so long before being solved.

Measurement and Analysis

In conducting this research activity to identify the concept and background of forensic sciences, the focus is shifted on understanding how forensic science is conducted, secondly focus is on who has the mandate to conduct a forensic examination and the methods used to conduct forensics’. Since there will be physical data collection, reliance will be placed on the secondary data available online and the country’s forensic laboratory database. Equally, consultation will be made to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the CIA and the local security enforcers to gather criminality statistics.

It is evident that the organizations as mentioned above are the lead crime scene investigators in the country, especially when dealing with cases that need forensic examination. Equally, their database has sufficient information concerning forensic examinations and evidence. Through comparison, the analysis will be made on the statistics acquired; focus will shift on identifying the number of cases that succeeded and those that have failed. In the same breath also identify the challenges why some of the forensics failed.

Applicable Resources

Notably, forensic science is a broader subject that covers a more extensive range of activities. In this regard, therefore, I will look at many sources.Firstly, there is anthropology forensics, digital and multimedia forensic sciences, criminalistics forensics, odontology forensics, and pathology forensics among others.

Ostensibly, in considering the above sources, Lillis et al. (2016), notes that in the contemporary world, the most significant challenges that face forensic science and laboratories is the unending struggle that they have to keep on improving as technology improves. Technology is fast changing, and it is notable that the United States has only two major forensic laboratories. Considering the country’s vastness, forensic examiners are overwhelmed thus slowing down the speed cases should be solved or processed. On the other hand, Yilwa et al. (2017) outlined that although forensic science is a significant tool that helps solve human problems such as criminality, combating security threats and aiding justice, it is worth noting that forensic sciences are equally overwhelmed with a myriad of challenges. Some of the problems include the complexity of resources and lack of resource, lack of awareness, training or education on forensic science to the public who often may interfere with crime scenes thus jeopardizing the work of forensic examiners.


Ethical Standards

Whileconducting research, it is my responsibility to ensure that I adhere to the required ethical standards. Firstly, I am aware that my research topic touches on sensitive issues borders on confidential data from the government.In this regard therefore and while collecting data, I will exercise the highest level of anonymity and confidentiality. I will not disclose to any third party nor use actual names on the data collected in my research. In the same breath, I will also comply with the minimum required standards while collecting and analyzing primary data from the identified sources. While collecting primary data, I will avoid being negligent that might result in a violation of ethical standards or law. For instance, in my presentation of information and research conducted, I will avoid issues to do with falsification of information, fraud, misrepresentation of data and mainly avoid plagiarism conclusively.

I understand that plagiarism is illegal and may attract disciplinary sanctions. I will also focus on integrity by cautiously doing the research myself other than involving another party as the same would amount to cheating. Before embarking on collecting data, I will have to seek informed consent and at the same time seek approvals from the relevant authorities to avoid any doubts or violation of policies that would attract legal issues thus negatively impacting my research. Lastly, I will endeavor to have the best skills and exercise ethical standards acquired in class to complete and compile quality research.



Yilwa V M, Maikaje D B, Vantsawa P A & Adeyemi M M, (2017). The Challenges and Prospects of Using Forensic Science as a Tool for National Development, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7145-C1-023

Lillis, D., Becker, B., O’Sullivan, T., & Scanlon, M. (2016). Current challenges and future research areas for digital forensic investigation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03850.

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