Free and Low-cost Video Editing Tool

The free and low-cost video editing tool that I will use in this discussion is Moviestorm. One can find this tool at the following URL: This tool opens the digital animation world to individuals who have interests in making inexpensive and high-quality 3D animated movies. The tool has the following features. First, the tool has texture mapping tool that one can use to add details, color and surface texture. Second, the image editing feature helps the user to make changes to the video to enhance the quality. Third, the Sketchup feature is useful for fast and simple film sketching thus lowering the production costs and risk. Although one can find it easy to use this tool, some of the challenging aspects of the tool include duplicating features within the scene. Sometimes, one might find it hard to duplicate actions, camera movement, and casts across different sets. Second, if you do not have the latest version of Moviestorm, you will keep on experiencing technical and system problems when making a movie.

Teachers, students, amateur filmmakers and business will find this tool useful because its aim is to make 3D animation accessible. For instance, regarding the education sector, the tool is useful for collaborative creative expression. Teachers use Moviestorm to prepare presentations as a video.


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