Gibbs Reflective Cycle: Mental Health


Reflection involves analyzing and evaluating experiences or events to identify their effectiveness or what could be done to prevent or improve them. There are various modes of reflection used to evaluate past experiences in nursing. Reflection is of two types namely; reflection-in –action-, and reflection-on-action. Nursing employs reflection-in-action as it encourages the students or practitioners to observe and reflect on past situations.  The process allows nurses and other medical practitioners to challenge and develops their existing knowledge, maximize learning opportunities and avoid making the same mistakes. The Gibbs model of reflection states that the reflection process is a systematic process that follows some steps to ensure a successful reflection. The model has six steps that need to be followed when reflecting on a situation or event. The essay is a reflection about my university interview on getting a nursing scholarship to focus on mental health using the Gibbs reflective cycle specifically.


I had applied for a scholarship to enable me further my nursing skills, specifically in mental health after completing my Bachelor’s degree in nursing. I was lucky to be among the shortlisted candidates set to attend an interview for the mental health nursing course. The interview was to be conducted in two ways, individually and as a group as the modulators wanted to asses our skills to determine whether we could work well with other people, particularly those suffering from mental illnesses. I have never had to interview for a scholarship, and this was my first ever, not forgetting being interviewed as a group.

For this reason, I was curious at the same time anxious about how I would make convince the interviewing personnel that I was a suitable candidate for this program. My University is considered one of the best in terms of nursing education, and over the years, it has helped many nursing graduates major in mental health as part of their master’s program. In preparation for the interview, I considered the nursing knowledge I have acquired for the last three and a half years and the specifics of mental health.  I tried to recollect the times I had dealt with patients suffering from mental illnesses and how I had felt after providing them with care.

The first phase of the interview took place in one of the halls at the university. The questions were pretty random, ranging from my hobbies, why I want to get the scholarship, how I will contribute to society with the acquired knowledge, my relationships, to name but a few. The second part of the interview also took place in the same hall and here, we were required to answer questions and provide critical opinions on why mental health needs much attention and what we would do to ensure that there were improved mental health services for the patients.  The primary question asked during the group interview was “What is your role as a mental health nurse, and what makes it different from the basic nursing roles?” We had some discussion after which anyone free would stand up and provide an answer from their personal view.


On the day of the interview, I was very apprehensive because my performance would determine whether I fulfilled my dream of getting the scholarship or not. I, however, gained confidence after a few of the students who had attended the panel interview states that the whole process was not that complicated. I must say I have never felt so much weight on my shoulders like I felt on the day of the interview. When my number turned up, I walked to the hall, and surprisingly, I gained enough confidence to answer the questions asked by the panelists to the best of my knowledge

The group interview was the second part of the interview, and I was more confident and optimistic because I felt good at my performance from the first interview. Some of the candidates were my classmates while the others were older adults, assumedly qualified nurses who wanted to develop expertise on mental health.  For this reason, I found the environment to be friendly and familiar because I was more at ease and I readily contributed and answered the questions asked to the group. Generally, I left quite an impression about myself and my desire to be among the chosen candidates for the program. I feel that the whole interview process made me understand the significance of my role as a mental health nurse and that it improved my social skills.

What went well

The interview was a pleasant experience, and everything was fine except for a few misdemeanors. I was well prepared for the interview, and I was sure that nothing would prevent me from convincing the interviewers. For instance, I did not experience any problem with understanding the posed questions during the open and closed interview sessions. I provided appropriate answers with a lot of ease and charisma. Knowing what I wanted and how I was going to achieve it gave me the motivation to sincerely express myself for the panel as well as provide a lot of information on the topic. I was very reserved and very interested, and most of the panelists appreciated my willingness to express my desire to study more about mental health. I was also prepared to talk about myself, and this seemed to impress everyone and make them more attentive.  The interview personnel were also excellent and acted professionally. I did not feel that either of them was being judgmental or unkind, nor did they have a nasty attitude. Both were very mature and encouraged me and the others to express ourselves the best way we could. The interview process also served as an educative program because it allowed for a discussion between the interviewers and the selected candidates. I had a chance to understand why mental health has become a priority over a few years and why there is a need for more nurses to specialize in mental health care provision. All in all, the interview increased my confidence and passion, and these will help me learn to deal with my patients or conduct other meetings in the future.

What needs improving

Looking back at the interview, I feel that some aspects of the interview would have been conducted in a better manner.  For instance, there were about 20 interviewers, and in my opinion, this is a large number. As much as an interview seeks to test one’s confidence and determination, twenty is a large number which can scare an individual who has done a few interviews in their life.  I propose that in the future, an interview panel should consist of not more than ten members because the number is appropriate for this type of interview, and it can also prevent unnecessary fear. The second phase of the interview required the interviewees to answer questions in an open forum. In total, we were seventy interviewees, and we were required to answer questions related to nursing, and mental health. The platform was ineffective because it did not allow us to express our opinions in an open manner. Still, the panel members were continually interrupting the forum. I believe that an effective interview should strictly be conducted in private to enable the interviewing panel to decide on the best candidate due to their qualifications and not their ability to easily talk in a large crowd. Last but not least, the private interview did not take enough time as compared to the group interview. I feel that the interview should take at least one hour to give the candidate and an interviewee’s ample time to discuss the various specifics concerning an interview.

Action plan

My dream has always been for meto become  a nurse, particularly one dealing with mental health care.  I will thereby be grateful if I get the chance to study for the desired module because it will give me an opportunity to help patients with mental problems. I will be conversant with mental health care issues and how to deal with patients of all ages. Besides, I will learn how to identify the symptoms, and healing stages of mental illness by researching the same.  I plan to be involved in various initiatives and research aimed at finding a mental health solution in the United Kingdom. As I develop as a supervised nurse in health care delivery, to a competent and specialized nurse, I will endeavor to acquire as much knowledge as I can to become a better mental health nurse. For that reason, I will continue to do research and reflect on my nursing practices daily. Most importantly, I will disseminate the knowledge I acquire to my peers given that knowledge sharing is part and parcel of holistic nursing care. Creating new action plans regularly will help me identify my learning requirements to address any limitations that might arise and provide me with an opportunity to acknowledge them as well as come up with achievable goals to become a competent mental health nurse.



My interview was great since I applied all the rules towards a successful interview.  I felt that I had adequately given a good account of myself during the interview and I was optimistic that I had convinced the interview board on why I need to be granted a nursing scholarship at their university. If I have the chance to undergo this process, I will do more research o the current state of mental health in the country, and ways nurses can deal with patients effectively, and contribute to the more significant discussion of the identified health issue. Also, I would be more relaxed during the group interview and take more time in considering my approaches n the forum. Overall, the interview was a starting point in demonstrating my determination to join the nursing profession, and I hoped that I would get the chance.


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