Grammar Point

1Describe how you would drill the past tense (or another grammar point) with a repetition drill, a yes-no question drill and a substitution drill.

Teaching past tense or any other form of grammar is not an easy task and it is imperative to be adequately prepared to ensure students gets the best. For teaching past tense irregular verbs I have a made a small brick game that uses 25 common verbs. On each square brick is written four verbs with two in present tense and two in past tense. The tense pairs are written across from each other. Each student draws five bricks and a single brick is placed in the middle of the table. Each student takes turns laying down a brick by connecting the present and past tense. The tense must match on all connecting sides. If a student cannot lay down a brick they draw a new one. First student to lose all of their bricks wins. On the other hand, yes-no questions they can be used with flash picture cards, PowerPoint and many more, or by reading a passage of a text and start a string of questions “Did he/she “. Lastly, a substitution drill could be to write a number of sentences on the board or on a work sheet in simple present tense and then ask the students to change them into simple past. First an example sentence is required, such as; Today Paul eats strawberries. Yesterday Paul ate cherries.

2 Explain how you would teach the difference between active and passive verbs (or another grammar point) using Guided Discovery.

I would teach active and passive voice both through the use of sentences on the board and letting the students more or less figure out the differences by themselves, but also use power points or animations which highlight the actor within a sentence. I believe visual aids are more crucial teaching this grammar point than any other, as it can be confusing for the students as to distinguish between the actors within a sentence. By so doing, the teacher will help the students identify the actor within a sentence without necessarily giving the answer but by giving the necessary clues to the students.

  1. Determine what the most likely grammar point will be in each of the following and summarize or define it.
  2. I would go if I had the time. (Conditional statement “if”).
  3. What have you done with your hair? (Interrogative).
  4. That sign was just painted. (Past tense).
  5. He could have phoned but I doubt it. (Improbability).
  6. She´ll have finished by the time we arrive. (Future perfect tense).


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